ASQ Montreal Logo WhiteASQ 70 Years

Newsletter - Infolettre

March - Mars 2021 (Volume 71 - Issue 03)

Promouvoir/valoriser les professionnels en qualité de la région de Montréal.
Promote/enhance the quality professionals of greater Montreal.

Highlights | Dans ce numéro:

Upcoming events | The Editor's Corner | Word from the Chair | Had you Connected to the Last Event | Voice of the Customer | Student Outreach | Montreal Section Education | Bienvenue-Welcome | Section Leadership Team | Canada-Greenland Region News |


Women in Quality

(Des femmes en qualité)
(Webinaire en Anglais)

Wednesday, March 31st, 2021 - 19h00

Networking opportunity starts at 18h30

Women in Quality
Next Event - Prochain Événement
Veronica Marquez, M. Sc., CSSBB of Aristeío Consulting and member of the ASQ Section Leadership Team will moderate this panel discussion and networking event. Nowadays, an increasing number of incredible women work in a wide range of quality fields. As managers, academic leaders and decision makers, women in quality are all hardworking, smart, and professional;…
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Advertising Space for Rent
If you or your company would like to advertise in our monthly newsletter, please contact me directly by clicking one of the links below this picture. Also, see the “Advertising Rates” section further down for ad sizes and associated rates. Contact Michael Bournazian, Newsletter Editor
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Événements en préparation - 2021 - Upcoming Events

Raymond Dyer, Program Chair | Responsable de programme

Voici sur quoi nous travaillons | Here's what we are working on.

Date Description
April 28th Vers l’amélioration continue 4.0, un petit pas à la fois (Robert Vadeboncoeur, Ing.)
May 26th Leveraging Continuous Improvement with AI (Lauren Hisey)
June 16th Networking event | Réseautage
Sept 29th La marque employeur, facteur de succès pour vos projets d’améliorations de performance et de qualité (Alexis Carignan)

If you have any subjects that you would like to see us present in the future, please drop me an e-mail or to anyone on the Section Leadership Committee.

Si vous avez des sujets que vous aimeriez nous voir présenter à l'avenir, veuillez m'envoyer un courriel ou à n'importe quel membre du comité de direction de la section.

Nous espérons vous y voir | We hope you will join us.


The Editor's Corner
By Michael Bournazian, Eng., Newsletter Editor, ASQ Senior Member, CSSGB The February 2021 power crisis in the state of Texas, that continues to cause issues even after all the snow and ice has melted away, was something to see. I have been to the state on several occasions in my professional life: Dallas twice, and…
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Mot de la présidente
Par Chantale Simard, MBA, Analyste Assurance Qualité, Bombardier Aviation, ASQ CMQOE et CSSGB Ce mois-ci, je vous présente un résumé de notre plan d’affaires pour 2021. Premièrement, tous les objectifs des organisations de l’ASQ au niveau de la communauté géographique (CG), comme la Section de Montréal et la région du Canada et du Groenland, doivent…
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Word from the Chair EN


Had You Connected to the Last Event
By Fatima Al-Roubaiai, Graduate Student, School of Nursing, UBC Okanagan Had You Connected . . . Can Continuous Improvement Impact the Reduction of Systemic Racism in Healthcare On February 24th, 2021, Debbie Sears Barnard gave an informative and inspirational talk via TEAMS from her home in Dubai about what Continuous Improvement (CI) professionals can do…
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Voice of the Customer - Voix du client
By Amine Djeffal, ASQ CQA, RAC, Quality and Regulatory Affairs Professional Can the Continuous Improvement (CI) Professional Influence the Reduction of Systemic Racism in Healthcare (24 February 2021) Interestingly 38% of the audience declared themselves as ASQ senior members. If we take a look at poll results in terms of field and responsability, non-managerial roles…
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Student Outreach Committee
By Veronica B. Marquez, M.Sc, CSSBB, CSSCP, ASQ Senior Member, ASQ Montreal Vice-Chair, member of Student Outreach Committee There is no update this month from the Student Outreach Committee. Check back in April 2021.  
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Turning Data into Useful Information
By Dr. David Tozer, Ph.D., ASQ CQE and SSBB, Education & Audit Chair. Over the years I have seen many presentations where people collect data to perform evaluations and then try to draw conclusions from the data.  In many cases it is difficult to draw conclusions from the data collected.  A common reason for this…
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Bienvenue | Welcome

À nos nouveaux membres | New members


• Samantha Antoine
Arshdeep Singh Dandial
Marie-Eve Denoncourt
Jean-Aurie Hubert-Chartier
Bruno Labelle
Marc-André Lavoie
• Veronika Joos
• Praveen Kumar Prabhakaran Pillai
• Nikhil Rajendrakumar

PACCAR Pratt&Whitney


Jon U. Schafer (PACCAR)

Shawn Bruno (Pratt & Whitney Canada)


Canada & Greenland Region News
Management of Innovation Ecosystem
The Saskatchewan section 414 invites you to participate in the online training session: Management of Innovation Ecosystem March 23, 2021 — 12:45 pm, Central Daylight Time (Chicago, GMT-05:00) Information | Reservations You will receive a confirmation email with instructions for joining the session.
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2021 ASQ Canadian Conference
2021 ASQ Canadian Conference The Montreal Section will be hosting the 2021 ASQ Canadian Conference, which will probably take place in October, traditionally Quality Month, but in virtual mode. A planning team has strated work and has identified many ideas. The working theme for the Conference is Risk and Resilience and it would be illustrated…
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ASQ Region Webinar-Webinaire
Lean as a Lever for a Sustainable Supply Chain – Le Lean comme levier pour une chaîne d’approvisionnement durable What is your organization doing to positively impact the SDG goals? Que fait votre organisation pour avoir un effet positif sur les ODD ? May 19, 2021 – 19 mai, 2021 (12h00) (Webinar-Webinaire bilingue) In 2015,…
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ASQ Montreal Section - Education Program 2021
By Dr. David Tozer, Ph.D., ASQ CQE and SSBB, Education & Audit Chair. ASQ Certification often leads to higher paying employment. The money invested in education and certification increases chances…
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Leadership Team Executive | Équipe de direction

Section Leadership Team meetings are held at different locations or virtually, starting at 6 PM. The next regular meeting is tentatively scheduled for:

April 6, 2021

List of 2021 Montreal Executive


•  Planned dates are subject to change — contact the Secretary.
•  Minutes of meeting and Operating budget of the Section are available on request to members onlycontact the Section Chair.

Unemployed Members - Dues
Unemployed ASQ members may receive a discount on their membership dues based on consecutive years of membership as described below. Consecutive Membership Years Dues Discount 1-4 50% 5 or more…

Partagez-nous | Pass it on

Cette Infolettre est préparée et publiée par les membres de la Section de Montréal de l'ASQ. Nous vous invitons à la partager avec vos amis et collègues.


The ASQ Montreal Section Newsletter is prepared by and published for its members. We invite you to forward it to interested friends and colleagues.

Editor / Éditeur: Michael Bournazian, Eng.

The opinions expressed in the Newsletter are those of the authors, not those of ASQ. Articles may be reproduced if the source is stated.

Les opinions exprimées dans cet Infolettre sont celles des auteurs et non celles de l'ASQ. Les articles peuvent être reproduits si la source est indiquée.

Tarifs de publicité - Advertising Rates

Annonce - Ad Membre ASQ Non-Membre
Première - First $220 $265
Regular Size $155 $180
Small Size $110 $135

Rabais - Discounts:
• 10% 2-7 numéros/issues
• 25% année/year

Contact/Information: Michael Bournazian, Eng.

LinkedIn ASQ Montreal    LinkedIn ASQ Student Outreach  @ASQMontreal

Subscribe/Opt out: You are receiving this e-mail because you are registered to the ASQ Montreal Section. You must login at ASQ to change your communications preferences.

S'inscrire/se désabonner : Vous recevez ce courriel car vous êtes inscrit auprès de la Section de Montréal de l'ASQ. Vous devez vous connecter au site de ASQ et modifier vos préférences de communications.

ASQ Montreal Section

Copyright © 2021 ASQ Montreal. Tout article peut être copié/reproduit si la Section de Montréal de l'ASQ est citée. Articles may be reproduced/used if the source is credited to ASQ Montreal Section.