ASQ Montreal Section - News | Nouvelles

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Newsletter - Infolettre

January - Janvier 2022 (Volume 72 - Issue 01)

Promouvoir/valoriser les professionnels en qualité de la région de Montréal.
Promote/enhance the quality professionals of greater Montreal.

Highlights | Dans ce numéro:

Upcoming Events | The Editor's Corner | Word From The Chair | Had You Been There | Voice Of The Customer | Student Outreach | Bienvenue - Welcome | ASQ News | Montreal Section Education | Section Leadership Team |

Une marque employeur forte comme facteur
clé pour votre transformation Lean
(A strong employer brand - Key factor of
successful Lean transformation)
26 Janvier 2022 (19:00)
Next Event | Prochain Événement
Alexis et Martin Carignan Quand on pense à une transformation Lean ou une démarche d’excellence opérationnelle, on se questionne souvent si cela devrait être une approche top-down (de haut en bas) ou bottom-up (de bas en haut). En habilitant et en supportant les employés à lancer des projets d’amélioration de la performance, ils peuvent résoudre […]
Information | Reservation
Advertising Space for Rent | Espace publicitaire à louer
If you or your company would like to advertise in our monthly newsletter, please contact me directly by clicking one of the links below this picture. Also, see the “Advertising Rates” section further down for ad sizes and associated rates. Contact Michael Bournazian, Newsletter Editor
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Tarifs de publicité - Advertising Rates

Annonce - Ad Membre ASQ Non-Membre
Première - First $220 $265
Regular Size $155 $180
Small Size $110 $135

Rabais - Discounts:
• 10% 2-7 numéros/issues
• 25% année/year

Contact/Information: Michael Bournazian, Eng.

Événements — 2022 — Events

Raymond Dyer, Program Chair | Responsable de programme

Voici sur quoi nous travaillons | Here's what we are working on.

Date Description
Fev. 23  Approfondir l'efficacité énergétique avec l'ISO 50001
 (Energy efficiency improvements with ISO 50001)
Mar. 30  Managing Regulations, Risks and Audits in the Medical Device
 Industry (Gestion des réglementations, des risques et des
 audits dans l'industrie des dispositifs médicaux)
Apr. 24  Pecha Kucha Night (Webinaire bilingue | Bilingual Webinar)
May 25  "B Corp" Certifications (L'enregistrement B Corp)
June 15  Bilingual Networking event | Activité de réseautage bilingue
Sept. 28  Webinar event to finalize
Oct. 26  General Assembly and Networking | Assemblée Générale  et Réseautage
Nov. 20  Webinar event to finalize

If you have any subjects that you would like to see us present in the future, please drop me an e-mail or to anyone on the Section Leadership Committee.

Si vous avez des sujets que vous aimeriez nous voir présenter à l'avenir, veuillez m'envoyer un courriel ou à n'importe quel membre du comité de direction de la section.

Check-out our other events | Voir la liste de nos événements
Nous espérons vous y voir | We hope you will join us.

The Editor's Corner | Mot de l'éditeur
By Michael Bournazian, Eng., Newsletter Editor, ASQ Senior Member, Quality Management Professional, CSSGB Both during and since the holidays, I came across a few examples of Risk Management, and not in a work related Quality context. More so in an “everyday dealing with our current world situation” context. With the most recent revisions of ISO…
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Word from the Chair | Mot du président
By Raymond E. Dyer (Ray), ASQ Senior Member, CMQ/OE, & CQA Here we go, we’re now in 2022. We’re seeing much of the same challenges as in 2021 regarding the pandemic and being imposed to remain virtual for quite some time. However, that latter point has actually benefitted us in many ways, allowing us to solicit…
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Had You Been There | Si vous étiez présent
A lean start-up of a centre for pediatric emergencies Summary of our 24 november 2021 conference by Dr. Sasha Dubrovsky, president and co-founder of Up (centre d’Urgences Pédiatriques – Centre for pediatric emergencies) a lean start-up on Montreal’s south shore. By Francisco Oliveira Machado, Adm. A., D. Sc. ASQ member. (texte en français suit) For…
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Voice of The Customer | Voix du Client
Par Jean-Pierre Amiel, ASQ Senior and CQA Ret. (un sommaire en français suit) Lean start-up of a centre for pediatric emergencies (Démarrage Lean d’un centre d’urgence de pédiatrie) by Dr. Sasha Dubrovsky, President and Co-Founder of UP. Well we really hit our mark this time! The presentation by Dr. Sasha Dubrovsky, President and Co-Founder of…
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Student Outreach | Sensibilisation étudiante
By Dr. Farnoosh Naderkhani, ASQ Member, Assistant Professor @ Concordia, Student Outreach Committee Chair Our Student Outreach Committee will be back in February 2022. Stay tuned. Notre comité de sensibilisation des étudiants sera de retour en février 2022. Restez à l’écoute.
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Bienvenue - Welcome

À nos nouveaux membres - New members


Ali Daroshafaee                 Daniel Houde

Aneesh Ahmed Mohamed Rafi

Meryem Nfati    Martin Provencher


Oluwaseun Dolapo Dehinbo

Farah Dib                Sandra Gomez

Daniel Murasawa    Valerie Turner

ASQ News
ASQ Montreal Achievement Awards | Prix d'excellence de l'ASQ Montréal
By Eric Hosking, Section Treasurer, Membership Chair, CQA, CQE, CSSBB In January of last year we were pleased to acknowledge two of our leadership teams members, Jean-Pierre Amiel and Raymond Dyer for their extraordinary contributions in 2020. As much as we wanted to acknowledge the achievements of the year just gone by, we could not…
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ASQ Montreal Section - Education Program 2022
By Dr. David Tozer, Ph.D., ASQ CQE and SSBB, Education & Audit Chair. ASQ Certification often leads to higher paying employment. The money invested in education and certification increases chances…
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Leadership Team Executive
Équipe de direction

L'exécutif  2022 Executive

■ Leadership Team meetings are held at different locations or virtually, around 7:00 PM. | Les réunions de l'équipe de direction se tiennent à différents endroits ou virtuellement, vers 19h00.
■ Next meeting | Prochaine réunion: Feb. 2, 2022

Dates: Confrrm | ConfirmerSecretary

Minutes & Budget: Available to members | Disponibles aux membresSection Chair.

Unemployed Members - Dues
Unemployed ASQ members may receive a discount on their membership dues based on consecutive years of membership as described below. Consecutive Membership Years Dues Discount 1-4 50% 5 or more…
Partagez-nous | Pass it on

Cette Infolettre est préparée et publiée par les membres de la Section de Montréal de l'ASQ. Nous vous invitons à la partager avec vos amis et collègues.

Les opinions exprimées dans cet Infolettre sont celles des auteurs et non celles de l'ASQ. Les articles peuvent être reproduits si la source est indiquée.

The ASQ Montreal Section Newsletter is prepared by and published for its members. We invite you to forward it to interested friends and colleagues.

The opinions expressed in the Newsletter are those of the authors, not those of ASQ. Articles may be reproduced if the source is stated.

Editor/Éditeur: Michael Bournazian, Eng.

LinkedIn ASQ Montreal    LinkedIn ASQ Student Outreach  @ASQMontreal

Subscribe/Opt out: You are receiving this e-mail because you are registered to the ASQ Montreal Section. You must login at ASQ to change your communications preferences.
S'inscrire/se désabonner : Vous recevez ce courriel car vous êtes inscrit auprès de la Section de Montréal de l'ASQ. Vous devez vous connecter au site de ASQ et modifier vos préférences de communications.

ASQ Montreal Section

Copyright © 2021 ASQ Montreal. Tout article peut être copié/reproduit si la Section de Montréal de l'ASQ est citée. Articles may be reproduced/used if the source is credited to ASQ Montreal Section.