ASQ Montreal Section - News | Nouvelles

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Newsletter - Infolettre

November - Novembre 2022 (Volume 72 - Issue 09)

Promouvoir/valoriser les professionnels en qualité de la région de Montréal.
Promote/enhance the quality professionals of greater Montreal.

Highlights | Dans ce numéro:

Upcoming Events | The Editor's Corner | Word From The Chair | Had You Been There | Voice Of The Customer | Student Outreach | Bienvenue - Welcome | ASQ News | Montreal Section Education | Section Leadership Team |

Radical Transformation with Kaikaku
(Transformer une entreprise par le Kaikaku)
30 novembre | November 30th 2022 19:00

English Webinar | Webinaire en anglais
(Bilingual Q&A Bilingue)

(Photo Getty Images)

In this conference, our speaker will share a deep understanding of two LEAN approaches to support business transformation — Kaikaku and Kaizen Events. She will review general definitions around these terms and will explain the goal of each approach, the commonalities, the differences, and the benefits.

Our speaker: Albanesa Ymaya is from the Dominican Republic and is founder and CEO of Ymaya Lean Academy and FYLA (Ymaya Lean Academy Foundation). She has more than 19 years as an Industrial Engineer working with Lean Transformations in the Manufacturing sector, such as medical Devices and electronics and holds a post-degree in Quality and Productivity Management and specializations in Project Management and Logistics Management, is a Certified as Lean Six Sigma Black Belt; Six Sigma Green Belt; Six Sigma Yellow Belt; ISO and TL 9000 Auditor; Kepner Tregoe Practical Problem Solving; and Maynard Operation Sequence Technique (MOST).

Participation will be worth 0.5 ASQ RU.

Information | Reservation
Advertising Space for Rent | Espace publicitaire à louer
If you or your company would like to advertise in our monthly newsletter, please contact me directly by clicking one of the links below this picture. Also, see the “Advertising Rates” section further down for ad sizes and associated rates. Contact Michael Bournazian, Newsletter Editor
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Tarifs de publicité - Advertising Rates

Annonce - Ad Membre ASQ Non-Membre
Première - First $220 $265
Regular Size $155 $180
Small Size $110 $135

Rabais - Discounts:
• 10% 2-7 numéros/issues
• 25% année/year

Contact/Information: Michael Bournazian, Eng.

Événements - 2023 - Events

Raymond Dyer, Program Chair | Responsable de programme

Voici sur quoi nous travaillons | Here's what we are working on.

Date Description
TBD 2023 • Panel Event: Three business leaders sharing their experiences with quality-related subjects
• Lean Six Sigma projects in the community
• “I am remarkable” workshop
• And others | Et d'autres...

If you have any subjects that you would like to see us present in the future, please drop me an e-mail at programs or to anyone on the Section Leadership Committee.

Si vous avez des sujets que vous aimeriez nous voir présenter à l'avenir, veuillez m'envoyer un courriel à programmation ou n'importe quel membre du comité de direction de la section.

Check-out our other events | Voir la liste de nos événements
Nous espérons vous y voir | We hope you will join us.

The Editor’s Corner | Mot de l’éditeur
By Michael Bournazian, Eng., Newsletter Editor, ASQ Senior Member, Quality Management Professional, CSSGB As is customary for the final Newsletter issue of a calendar year, I would like to wish all our readers and ASQ Montreal Section members the safest and happiest of holiday seasons. As well, thank you to everyone who takes the time…
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Word from the Chair | Mot du président
By Raymond E. Dyer (Ray), ASQ Senior Member, CMQ/OE, & CQA (un texte en français suit) Well, it looks like my year as Section Chair is wrapping up. However, instead of preparing to say goodbye, I’m going to go one more year. 2022 has been a busy year filled with interesting virtual events, section communications,…
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Had You Been to the Last Event | Si vous étiez présent
2022.10.26 Read about our special two part event: General Assembly + Workshop on Multiple Management Systems | Lisez tout sur notre événement spécial en deux actes : l'Assemblée générale + Atelier sur comment gérer plusieurs systèmes de gestion
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Voice of The Customer | Voix du Client
By Raymond E. Dyer (Ray), ASQ Senior Member, CMQ/OE, & CQA (un texte en français suit) On October 26th, we held our annual general assembly followed by a workshop on Multiple Management Systems. This event was held in-person, the first since February 2020. The closing survey was responded to by 19 members. Our survey asked…
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Section Leadership Team | L'équipe de direction
SLT 2023 EDD

Sam Weissfelner, ASQ Senior Member, ASQ CSQE, CQA, Nominating Chair


The slate of the Executive Officers was approved at the October 26 General Assembly but we still have two vacant positions and if you are interested to participate please contact the Section Chair. You must be a member in good standing to apply.


• Vice-Chair | Vice-président: Vacant

• Program Chair | Responsable de programme: Vacant

La liste des officiers de la Section de Montréal a été approuvée lors de l’assemblée générale du 26 octobre dernier et nous avons deux postes vacants. Si vous êtes intéressé à vous joindre à nous, veuillez contacter notre président. Vous devez être membre en règle pour postuler.


• Vice-Chair | Vice-président: Vacant

• Program Chair | Responsable de programme: Vacant

Student Outreach | Sensibilisation étudiante
Dr. Farnoosh Naderkhani, ASQ Member, Assistant Professor @ Concordia, Student Outreach Committee Chair (un texte en français suit) So far in this year, the Student Outreach Committee was able to organize two student seminar series which were both very successful. As ASQ Student Outreach Committee Chair, I will continue organizing another seminar series for this…
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ASQ Montreal Section - Education Program 2022
By Dr. David Tozer, Ph.D., ASQ CQE and SSBB, Education & Audit Chair. ASQ Certification often leads to higher paying employment. The money invested in education and certification increases chances…
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Bienvenue - Welcome

À nos nouveaux membres - New members


Unfortunately, the names of the new October members were not available prior to our publishing deadline.

These names, along with new members from November-December 2022, will be published in our January 2023 newsletter.

ASQ News
Recognition Awards | Prix De Reconnaissance (General Assembly | Assemblée Générale 2022)
By J.P. Amiel, ASQ Senior, CQA ret., Web Committee Chair Had you attended our General Assembly this past October 26, 2022, you would have had the opportunity to finally congratulate the 2021 ASQ Canada Conference committee led by Chantale Simard. An ASQ Member Leader Excellence Award was given last year by our Regional Director, Puneet…
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Leadership Team Executive | Équipe de direction

L'exécutif 2022 Executive

■ Leadership Team meetings are held at different locations or virtually, around 7:00 PM. | Les réunions de l'équipe de direction se tiennent à différents endroits ou virtuellement, vers 19h00.
■ Next meeting | Prochaine réunion: 4 janvier, 2023 | January 4, 2023

Dates: Confirm | Confirmer - Secretary | secrétaire

Minutes & Budget: Available to members | Disponibles aux membres - Section chair | Président.

Unemployed Members - Dues
Unemployed ASQ members may receive a discount on their membership dues based on consecutive years of membership as described below. Consecutive Membership Years Dues Discount 1-4 50% 5 or more 100% Eligibility Criteria You must be a Full or Senior,…
Partagez-nous | Pass it on

Cette Infolettre est préparée et publiée par les membres de la Section de Montréal de l'ASQ. Nous vous invitons à la partager avec vos amis et collègues. Les opinions exprimées dans cet Infolettre sont celles des auteurs et non celles de l'ASQ. Les articles peuvent être reproduits si la source est indiquée.

The ASQ Montreal Section Newsletter is prepared by and published for its members. We invite you to forward it to interested friends and colleagues. The opinions expressed in the Newsletter are those of the authors, not those of ASQ. Articles may be reproduced if the source is stated.

Editor | Éditeur: Michael Bournazian, Eng.

LinkedIn ASQ Montreal    LinkedIn ASQ Student Outreach  @ASQMontreal

Subscribe/Opt out: You are receiving this e-mail because you are registered to the ASQ Montreal Section. You must login at ASQ to change your communications preferences.
S'inscrire/se désabonner : Vous recevez ce courriel car vous êtes inscrit auprès de la Section de Montréal de l'ASQ. Vous devez vous connecter au site de ASQ et modifier vos préférences de communications.

ASQ Montreal Section

Copyright © 2022 ASQ Montreal. Tout article peut être copié/reproduit si la Section de Montréal de l'ASQ est citée. Articles may be reproduced/used if the source is credited to ASQ Montreal Section.