Directions to the Hotel
By Car The following link is provided by the Sheraton Hotel themselves. This page should open in a new tab or new browser depending upon what you are using. Parking is on hotel property. Make sure that you get a parking pass before you leave at the end of the event. Map and Directions By Public Transportation If you are traveling by bus from downtown use the STM's Express 747 bus to the airport and then use the Sheraton's shuttle bus to the hotel. The shuttle runs every 15 minutes and is free. The latter shuttle is free, the STM is not. You can also use the STM's site and put your present location in and your destination. Your destination will be the Pierre Trudeau Airport. Once you are at the airport use the Sheraton's own bus to bring you to the hotel. That one runs every 15 minutes and is free. You may also phone the STM at 514 AUTOBUS for personal directions. For ASQ registered student members only, we will endeavour to get you a ride to the nearest metro station after the event. STM directions: |