ASQ Montreal section       70 Years

Newsletter - Infolettre

January - Janvier 2021 (Volume 71 - Issue 01)

Promouvoir/valoriser les professionnels en qualité de la région de Montréal.
Promote/enhance the quality professionals of greater Montreal.



Mercredi, 27 janvier, 2021 - 19h00

Une opportunité de réseautage débute à 18h30

(Performing Virtual Audits, Webinar in French)

Réaliser des audits virtuels
Next Event - Prochain Événement
Annie van Otterdijk, Chef auditeur qualifié par l'IRCA (International Register of Certified Auditors) vous invite Mercredi 27 janvier, 2021 à 19:00 PM à un Webinaire sur la réalisation d'audits virtuels. Cela sera suivi d'un partage d'expériences avec d'autres auditeurs et audités quant aux difficultés, la sévérité, la qualité et l'efficacité des audits virtuels.
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BSI Group Ad
Advertising Space for Rent
If you or your company would like to advertise in our monthly newsletter, please contact me directly by clicking one of the links below this picture. Also, see the “Advertising Rates” section further down for ad sizes and associated rates. Contact Michael Bournazian, Newsletter Editor
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2021 Upcoming Events - En préparation

Voici sur quoi nous travaillons | Here's what we are working on.

Raymond Dyer, Program Chair | Responsable de programme

Utiliser le Lean pour démarrer une unité d’urgences pédiatrique (en français)
Variability Reduction “B Corp” Certifications
The Future of Quality Jobs Critical Thinking for Quality Professionals
Panel: International Women in Quality (planifiée pour mars)
Pecha Kucha Night (nous espérons quelques-unes en français)
Leveraging CI with AI
Can the CI Professional Influence Systemic Racism in Healthcare?

If you have any subjects that you would like to see us present in the future, please drop me an e-mail or to anyone on the Section Leadership Committee.

Nous espérons vous y voir | We hope you will join us.

The Editor's Corner
By Michael Bournazian, Eng., Newsletter Editor, ASQ Senior Member, CSSGB Greetings! And a (hopefully) better new year to everyone. If are not happy to see 2020 come to an end, then I would like to know what you have been smoking since March 2020. I like to think of myself as a realistic person and…
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Word from the Chair - Mot de la présidente
By Chantale Simard, MBA, Quality Assurance Analyst, Bombardier Aviation, ASQ CMQOE and CSSGB Do you hold one or more ASQ certifications? Do you have the impression that our certifications are not recognized enough in Quebec and that employers do not differentiate from other certifications that are much easier to obtain? If this appeals to you,…
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Had You Connected to the Last Event
By Raymond E. Dyer, ASQ Senior Member, CMQ/OE, CQA, Section Secretary Had You Connected . . . Exploiter votre système de gestion de la qualité (SGQ) ISO pour garantir la sécurité des données critiques held November 25th, and the Party on line | Party en ligne held December 17th. Commençons par la présentation de Cristian…
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Voice of the Customer - Voix du client
By Amine Djeffal, ASQ CQA, RAC, Quality and Regulatory Affairs Professional Selon les résultats de notre sondage sur la présentation de Cristian Dragnef en novembre 2020 sur la mise en place d’un cadre de sécurité de l’information certifié ISO 27001:2013 Système de gestion de la sécurité de l’information (SGSI), la majorité des répondants, soit 64%, étaient membres…
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Student Outreach Committee - 2020 Eric Stern Award
By Dr. Farnoosh Naderkhani, ASQ Member, Assistant Professor @ Concordia, Student Outreach Committee Chair Without a doubt, the COVID-19 pandemic has abruptly changed the world as we knew it, at the beginning of the 2nd decade of the 21st century. The past nine months have been significantly challenging, startling, and disillusioning, in particular for students…
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Bienvenue | Welcome

À nos nouveaux membres | New members


• Catherine Bessette
Riad Lutfi
Francisco Oliveira Machado
Nathalie Paquet
Darshil Shah
Kalonji Tshitenga


• Carolina Braga Sisti
• Philippe Lang
• Anne Christine Lerebours
• Alex Marina
• Jessica Moreau
• Catherine Silva
• Thomas Varghese

PACCAR Pratt&Whitney


Jon U. Schafer (PACCAR)

Shawn Bruno (Pratt & Whitney Canada)

Other ASQ Events
Read about some other activities within the ASQ Community: Canada Conference and Regional Webinars. Regional Webinars: To see the list of webinars being offered by ASQ’s Canada/Greenland Region, visit our…
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ASQ Montreal Section - Education Program 2021
By Dr. David Tozer, Ph.D., ASQ CQE and SSBB, Education & Audit Chair. ASQ Certification often leads to higher paying employment. The money invested in education and certification increases chances…
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Leadership Team Executive | Équipe de direction

Section Leadership Team meetings are held at different locations or virtually, starting at 6 PM. The next regular meeting is tentatively scheduled for:

February 2, 2021

List of 2021 Montreal Executive


•  Planned dates are subject to change — contact the Secretary.
•  Minutes of meeting and Operating budget of the Section are available on request to members onlycontact the Section Chair.

Unemployed Members - Dues
Unemployed ASQ members may receive a discount on their membership dues based on consecutive years of membership as described below. Consecutive Membership Years Dues Discount 1-4 50% 5 or more…
Partagez-nous | Pass it on

Cette Infolettre est préparée et publiée par les membres de la Section de Montréal de l'ASQ. Nous vous invitons à la partager avec vos amis et collègues.


The ASQ Montreal Section Newsletter is prepared by and published for its members. We invite you to forward it to interested friends and colleagues.

Editor / Éditeur : Michael Bournazian, Eng.

The opinions expressed in the Newsletter are those of the authors, not those of ASQ. Articles may be reproduced if the source is stated.

Les opinions exprimées dans cet Infolettre sont celles des auteurs et non celles de l'ASQ. Les articles peuvent être reproduits si la source est indiquée.

Tarifs de publicité - Advertising Rates

Annonce - Ad Membre ASQ Non-Membre
Première - First $220 $265
Regular Size $155 $180
Small Size $110 $135

Rabais - Discounts:
• 10% 2-7 numéros/issues
• 25% année/year

Contact/Information : Michael Bournazian, Eng.

LinkedIn ASQ Montreal    LinkedIn ASQ Student Outreach  @ASQMontreal

Subscribe/Opt out: You are receiving this e-mail because you are registered to the ASQ Montreal Section. You must login at ASQ to change your communications preferences.

S'inscrire/se désabonner : Vous recevez ce courriel car vous êtes inscrit auprès de la Section de Montréal de l'ASQ. Vous devez vous connecter au site de ASQ et modifier vos préférences de communications.

ASQ Montreal Section

Copyright © 2021 ASQ Montreal. Tout article peut être copié/reproduit si la Section de Montréal de l'ASQ est citée. Articles may be reproduced/used if the source is credited to ASQ Montreal Section.