ASQ Montreal Logo WhiteASQ 70 Years

Newsletter - Infolettre

February - Février 2021 (Volume 71 - Issue 02)

Promouvoir/valoriser les professionnels en qualité de la région de Montréal.
Promote/enhance the quality professionals of greater Montreal.


Can CI Influence the Reduction of Systemic Racism in Healthcare?

(Le CI peut-il influencer une réduction du racisme dans la santé?)
(Webinaire en Anglais)

Wednesday, February 24th, 2021 - 19h00

Networking opportunity starts at 18h30

Réaliser des audits virtuels
Next Event - Prochain Événement
Presentation by Debbie Sears Barnard, MSc, RN, CPHQ, Principal, Diamond Cut Leadership Network and Consultant with Joint Commission International. Debbie will “unpack” for us how systemic racism and our personal biases impact our patients and communities. This thoughtful session will present some meaningful strategies that the Continuous Improvement (CI) Professional may use to influence the…
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BSI Group Ad
Advertising Space for Rent
If you or your company would like to advertise in our monthly newsletter, please contact me directly by clicking one of the links below this picture. Also, see the “Advertising Rates” section further down for ad sizes and associated rates. Contact Michael Bournazian, Newsletter Editor
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2021 Upcoming Events - En préparation

Voici sur quoi nous travaillons | Here's what we are working on.

Raymond Dyer, Program Chair | Responsable de programme

March 31st: International Women in Quality panel event (Moderator: Veronica Marquez; Panelists: Farnoosh Naderkhani, Sonia Rodriguez, Carolee Rigsbee, and Marjaneh (Marsha) Pourmand)

April 28th: To be finalized.

May 26th: Leveraging Continuous Improvement with AI (Lauren Hisey)

June 16th: Networking event (bilingual).

If you have any subjects that you would like to see us present in the future, please drop me an e-mail or to anyone on the Section Leadership Committee.

Nous espérons vous y voir | We hope you will join us.

The Editor's Corner
By Michael Bournazian, Eng., Newsletter Editor, ASQ Senior Member, CSSGB Since I last wrote to you, I have had 2 good friends of mine, both of whom work in the Quality field, lose their jobs. Both had been with their respective companies for over a decade, but in both cases, cutbacks and downsizing needed to…
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Word from the Chair - Mot de la présidente
By Chantale Simard, MBA, Quality Assurance Analyst, Bombardier Aviation, ASQ CMQOE and CSSGB I am honored to announce that the Montreal Section will host the 2021 ASQ Canadian Conference, which will take place virtually later this year. We have already identified 3 objectives that are close to our hearts: An interactive experience, activities categorized by…
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Had You Connected to the Last Event
Par Marcel Charbonneau, T.P., Membre senior et CQA de l’ASQ Webinaire: La réalisation d’audits virtuels, mercredi, le 27 janvier, 2021. Pré-rencontre: Vous êtes invités à vous présenter 30 minutes avant pour un réseautage et vous familiariser avec l’outil de télécommunication. Vous n’y étiez pas? Eh bien, pour la prochaine rencontre, SVP cela vous aidera à…
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Social Media
By Veronica Marquez, MSc, ASQ Senior Member, ASQ CSSBB, Section Vice-chair and Social media chair Last year’s efforts to continue to offer our members with continued conferences and events, required that we adopt new technologies and work processes. This year, we are continuing in that path and have begun changing a few things with the…
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Voice of the Customer - Voix du client
By Amine Djeffal, ASQ CQA, RAC, Quality and Regulatory Affairs Professional La section ASQ de Montréal a réussi, en dernière minute, un tour de force en trouvant une alternative suite au désistement de la conférencière qui devait nous livrer une présentation traitant de la planification et du déroulement des audits virtuels. L’équipe de direction a…
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Special Awards: Félicitations et merci - Congratulations and thank-you
C’est lors du transfert des responsabilités de présidence que Chantale Simard, nouvelle présidente et Eric Hosking président sortant de la Section de Montréal, ont présenté et remis des honneurs pour…
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Student Outreach Committee - Sponsoring students for LSS Conference
By Veronica B. Marquez, M.Sc, CSSBB, CSSCP, ASQ Senior Member, ASQ Montreal Vice-Chair, member of Student Outreach Committee Are you interested in developing your Lean Six Sigma skills? The ASQ Montreal section is offering to sponsor students members of any university in Montreal to attend the ASQ Lean Six Sigma conference taking place this March…
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Bienvenue | Welcome

À nos nouveaux membres | New members


• Christianah Adekunle
Englebert Anye Che
Opubo Cookey
Adrien Dupont
Caroline Fraser
Tanguy Houndolo
• Veronika Joos
• Luc Poulin
• Sandrine Van Eyck

PACCAR Pratt&Whitney


Jon U. Schafer (PACCAR)

Shawn Bruno (Pratt & Whitney Canada)

Canada & Greenland Region News
Puneet Manchanda, the newly elected Regional Director (RD) welcomes the following Deputy Regional Directors (DRD). They have been nominated and will collaborate with the various Sections and their leaders to…
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Other ASQ Events
Read about some other activities within the ASQ Community: Canada Conference and Regional Webinars. Regional Webinars: To see the list of webinars being offered by ASQ’s Canada/Greenland Region, visit our…
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ASQ Montreal Section - Education Program 2021
By Dr. David Tozer, Ph.D., ASQ CQE and SSBB, Education & Audit Chair. ASQ Certification often leads to higher paying employment. The money invested in education and certification increases chances…
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Leadership Team Executive | Équipe de direction

Section Leadership Team meetings are held at different locations or virtually, starting at 6 PM. The next regular meeting is tentatively scheduled for:

March 3, 2021

List of 2021 Montreal Executive


•  Planned dates are subject to change — contact the Secretary.
•  Minutes of meeting and Operating budget of the Section are available on request to members onlycontact the Section Chair.

Unemployed Members - Dues
Unemployed ASQ members may receive a discount on their membership dues based on consecutive years of membership as described below. Consecutive Membership Years Dues Discount 1-4 50% 5 or more…
Partagez-nous | Pass it on

Cette Infolettre est préparée et publiée par les membres de la Section de Montréal de l'ASQ. Nous vous invitons à la partager avec vos amis et collègues.


The ASQ Montreal Section Newsletter is prepared by and published for its members. We invite you to forward it to interested friends and colleagues.

Editor / Éditeur : Michael Bournazian, Eng.

The opinions expressed in the Newsletter are those of the authors, not those of ASQ. Articles may be reproduced if the source is stated.

Les opinions exprimées dans cet Infolettre sont celles des auteurs et non celles de l'ASQ. Les articles peuvent être reproduits si la source est indiquée.

Tarifs de publicité - Advertising Rates

Annonce - Ad Membre ASQ Non-Membre
Première - First $220 $265
Regular Size $155 $180
Small Size $110 $135

Rabais - Discounts:
• 10% 2-7 numéros/issues
• 25% année/year

Contact/Information : Michael Bournazian, Eng.

LinkedIn ASQ Montreal    LinkedIn ASQ Student Outreach  @ASQMontreal

Subscribe/Opt out: You are receiving this e-mail because you are registered to the ASQ Montreal Section. You must login at ASQ to change your communications preferences.

S'inscrire/se désabonner : Vous recevez ce courriel car vous êtes inscrit auprès de la Section de Montréal de l'ASQ. Vous devez vous connecter au site de ASQ et modifier vos préférences de communications.

ASQ Montreal Section

Copyright © 2021 ASQ Montreal. Tout article peut être copié/reproduit si la Section de Montréal de l'ASQ est citée. Articles may be reproduced/used if the source is credited to ASQ Montreal Section.