0401 |
2013 (Volume
63 - Issue 3) |
objective: To increase awareness,
interest, and involvement in Section activities and |
10 - Site Members | 16 - Unemployed Member Dues | |
17 - Feedback/Advertising Rates | ||
Date Wednesday, March 20, 2013 Time
6:00 PM Place Sheraton Montreal Airport Hotel How
to Perform Successful Trials: The Foundation of Design of Experiments
![]() Martin Carignan Consultant Différence, Consulting in Statistics **************************************
join us on March 20th to hear our guest speaker present
of how
to perform successful trials:
the foundation of design of experiments.
Martin Carignan is a consultant with sixteen years of experience in the field of industrial statistics and performance improvement. He holds a Bachelors degree in Mathematics (actuarial science), a Masters degree in Statistics from Université de Montréal, and a MBA from Université de Sherbrooke. He began his career as a statistician in a pulp and paper company, and he is currently working as a consultant in partnership at Différence, Consulting in Statistics. He has trained hundreds of people in Lean Six Sigma and different statistical methods and tools for continuous improvement in Canada, the United States and Europe. He has been involved as an expert within multidisciplinary teams in several projects aiming at reducing variation. He has developed statistical tools for performance monitoring and decision support. He also acts as a coach for people who perform continuous improvement projects and statistical analysis. **********************************************
ASQ Members ($40) Non-Members ($50) For STUDENT MEMBERS ONLY ($30) NOTE: For students wanting to get to the Sheraton Hotel, you can easily take the STM Express City Bus 747 which will drop you off at the Pierre Elliott Trudeau airport. After which, you may take the Sheraton's free shuttle to get to the hotel. Click HERE for more details. After the meeting, an ASQ member will often be available to drop off a student at a nearby bus or metro station. Bring
your business cards and be ready to
network. To
register for any event or for more information on events please
Mr. Sukhvinder Jutla Tel: (450) 647-8092 E-mail: 3. The Editor's Corner
A CASE FOR SUPPLIER SATISFACTION: CHAPTER 2 My last Newsletter piece on Supplier Satisfaction was basically me putting forward my opinion on the subject, essentially in the hopes that some of you will read it and develop your own ideas and opinions on it. Within a week of me writing it, the company I work for started conducting working group sessions entitled “Customer First”. These sessions were conducted in groups of about 10 employees, and were meant for us to hear the voices of our customers, and then to discuss ways in which we can improve as a company to improve customer satisfaction. And when I say “hear the voice of our customers”, I mean that literally: we were shown videos of actual customers giving their opinions of our company, and how good and bad we do things. Pretty humbling and frustrating when you feel like you are already trying your best at everything. At first, we were shown the negative comments from the customers. This was supposed to drive the next portion of the session, which was a structured brainstorming to talk about how we can improve our practices in order to improve customer satisfaction. At one point, the session leader asked everyone to write down what we felt the business needs to do more of, or concentrate more on. Having just let my feelings known about supplier satisfaction in the Newsletter, I put my money where my mouth is and wrote that down on my slip of paper, along with a brief explanation of what I meant by supplier satisfaction. To no surprise on my end, the session leader read my submission to the group and then said (with a quizzical look in his eyes): “Can you explain that further Mike, I don’t quite understand?” “No problem” I said, and proceeded to expound on my theory to the group. Hopefully, I made a convincing case that by improving how we deal with our suppliers, we can then have a trickle-down of that positivity to our customers. And since we as a business only do assembly work of the product that our suppliers manufacture, it is even more vital that we are in good ways with our suppliers. In the end, my ideas and opinions, along with those of the 9 other employees in my session, were collected and will be reviewed by the powers that be, along with the ideas and opinions of the many others who participated in similar sessions. So how much of an impact will my little spiel on supplier satisfaction have in the end? Who knows for now, but I believe I presented a valid and important viewpoint, and at a minimum that’s good enough for me. As Mark Twain once said: “Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest”. *******************************************************
What do you think? Click on the link in the bottom right corner of this section and let me know. Thanks. |
A Word
your Section Chair
A conversation about calibration with someone in the machine shop quickly lead to the question: what does Quality Assurance do? After a quick response that lasted as long as the coffee break would allow (establishing processes, writing procedures, setting goals, measuring progress and acting upon results), it left me wondering how many more persons had no idea or the wrong idea of what I do, in a sense what we do as quality practitioners. Despite all the hard work, there sometimes seems to be a disconnect between the Quality department and the people performing the work. For each of you, what is the job of quality? How is shared with the entire organization with a goal of better understanding and cooperation, moving in the direction of continual improvement. Let us know. |
You Come
to the
Last Event
Gordon Ayotte,
ASQ Director
at Large
![]() Had you come . . . Quality Management Process Measures & Workforce Mobilization Had
you come to our last ASQ event, you would have had a great
opportunity to learn about "Quality Management Process Measures
& Workforce Mobilization". As well, in
addition to the great networking opportunities with industry
professionals, you get a chance to discuss many quality topics
with people who have actually applied these with success in different
applications, and how you could apply these tools in your work to get
concrete results with little or no previous experience. And
finally, enjoy a great meal!
Mr. Marquis presented how he developed Quality Management Process Measures for an organisation now registered to FOUR International Standards: AS9100C, ISO 13485, ISO 14001 and ISO 9001. He also described how the workforce is informed and mobilized to support the company's excellent achievements. A case study was also provided on a customer complaint. Mr. Pierre Marquis presented his material in a refreshing manner. Before joining GGI International, Pierre worked as VAVE Project Manager from 2001 to 2009 at Sanmina-SCI (SANM) in Montreal, an Electronics Manufacturing Services multinational. He was also the Worldwide Quality Prime for the Nortel account during the same period and completed a Six Sigma Black Belt certification. From 1995 to 2000, his responsibilities at SANM involved management of Engineering, Training, Stores and Quality. For those considering a career as a Quality Professional, I not only encourage you to join as a member but you should also consider taking courses and/or obtaining certification from ASQ in order to get recognition for your expertise and qualifications. We are always interested in your comments and feedback regarding how your ASQ section can serve you better, so please do not hesitate to contact us. **********************************************************
NOTE: A thank-you to Gordon Ayotte for contributing to this month's "Had You Come . . . " section, as Mr. Eric Stern could not make the February presentation by Mr. Marquis. Eric Stern, CQA, senior member, publicity co-chair, developmental coach and consultant at Expertech CMSC, expressing his own opinions. For
networking with local
quality professionals explore these groups:
6. Voice of the Customer
2013 Section Survey and ASQ Career Center We're finishing the last arrangements for the planned mailing of roughly 300 pre-posted, postcard-sized, hard-copy, section surveys to our members. It shouldn't take long to complete: remember, they're postcard-sized! It's really important we get your feedback so we can learn and improve our activities. When you receive it, please participate. We're looking forward to your responses. Thank-you for helping your ASQ section! Also, we've had some comments about ASQ's (not our section's) Career Center web site. Let's start with some basics you can build on. To get to ASQ's Career Center web site, go to You should come to a "MY ACCOUNT" page. If you already have an account (Note: this is not the same as your ASQ account), click on the blue "SIGN IN" link to the right. If not, click on it anyway and then click on the "Create New Account" link on the bottom of the SIGN IN web page and follow the instructions to create your new account. Note: your account will have to be an e-mail account. From there, simply navigate. It's pretty much like many job websites where you can post your CV, search for job opportunities registered with ASQ, etc. I checked it today (March 10, 2013) and there were 996 jobs posted. You can trim down your search by clicking on "ADVANCED SEARCH". From there, you can trim down by (1) State/Province (sadly, no postings for Quebec right now), (2) Discipline, (3) Level, (4) Type, (5) Country (there were 35 postings for Canada), and (6) Education. You can see the filter options with no entries by clicking on the "Show" button next to the "Hiding filters with no jobs posted", e.g. for when you want to "SAVE SEARCH AS A JOB ALERT". I have one such very simple job alert called "Quebec jobs" which lists all jobs with State/Province = Quebec. I normally get an e-mail when one surfaces. Honestly, very little shows up for Quebec making the ASQ Career Center not all that effective for those seeking job opportunities in the Montreal area. I'll talk more on other such job sites in future articles having used a few last year. Meanwhile, please contact me for questions &/or comments. Give
me your feedback by e-mail
Proposed Slate of
Officers (January - December 2014)
Nominating Committee Chair In accordance with
Sections 5.4 and 6.1 of the Section Operating Agreement, the Montreal
Section 401 Nominating Committee comprising of N. Dickinson, R. Dyer,
D. Tozer, and I. Alli (Nominating Committee Chair), proposes the
following Slate of Officers for January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014:
William (Bill) Wilson
Vice- Chair: Francois Pageau Secretary: Hong Ping (Holly) Zhao Treasurer: Eric Hosking To nominate a different slate of officers or obtain further information, please contact Inteaz Alli at; alternate nominations for Section Officer positions can be made by petition of at least 10 members of the Section. Please note that to hold a Section Officer position, one must be a member of the Section in good standing. 8.
2012-13 Planned Events
Date, time, and location will be confirmed as we progress into the year. Most events are planned for Wednesday evenings and are held at the Sheraton Montreal Airport Hotel. Watch the Newsletter and our web site for further details.
Date Event |
To register for any event of for more information on events please contact: Sukhvinder Jutla at (450) 647-8092 or e-mail at
to our New Members
Mostafa Badakhshian Sheshank Bhanuri Khalil Elhadaoui Tarun Khatri Nicoleta Roman Suken G. Shah Tareq Shahwan Karisha Trotman-Welch Ruchik John Vaghela Nikhil Kumar Varma |
ASQ Montreal Section thanks our Site Members: |
11. Other
12. ASQ NewsGet
WCQI Early-bird Pricing February
Roundup—Risk and Failure in Quality and Science
Baldrige Award Recipients Share Best Practices |
Montreal Section Education Program 2012-2013
Ph.D., ASQ CQE and SSBB, Education & Audit Chair Having ASQ certification gives you an edge in the market and can significantly increase your income. ASQ Certification often leads to higher paying employment. The money invested in education and certification increases chances of finding employment quickly in the down sizing environment we live in. People who take the section sponsored refresher courses, and spend at least twice as much time as spent in the classroom on self study, have an 80%, or better, chance of passing the examination on the first attempt. Certified Quality Engineer Topics include: quality concepts, cost of quality, human resources, team formation and group dynamics, inspection, metrology, sampling, reliability, quality standards, quality audit, statistics, design of experiments, process improvement, liability, and modern management methods for improving quality. Certified Six Sigma Black Belt Topics include: quality concepts, cost of quality, enterprise wide deployment, business process management, project management, team formation and group dynamics, define, measure, analyze, improve, control, lean enterprise, statistics, design of experiments, and design for six sigma. Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Topics include: quality concepts, cost of quality, enterprise wide deployment, business process management, project management, team formation and group dynamics, define, measure, analyze, improve, control, and statistics. Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence Topics include: quality concepts, quality planning, customer focus, quality standards, project management, cost of quality, team formation and group dynamics, human resources and improvement.
Quality Auditor Topics
include: quality concepts,
formation and group dynamics, management responsibility, audit
objectives, audit preparation, audit conduct, audit reporting,
sampling, and basic statistics.
Certified Quality Inspector Topics include: quality concepts, team formation and group dynamics, geometry, metrology, reading drawings, mechanical processes, statistical process control, inspection, and sampling. Calendar and Registration Form Questions? In house courses, etc.: David Tozer: (514) 694-2830,
Committee Meetings & Officers
Section Executive
(Leadership Team) Meetings are held at different locations, starting at
6 PM. The next regular meeting is tentatively scheduled for : April
3, 2013 Consult the List of Your Executive
2012-13 here |
15. RecertificationIs Your Recertification Due?Look at your wallet card to see when your present certification is due to expire. If it says June 31, 2013 you are in time. Get your journal, with supporting objective evidence (you should know what that is) to me before the end of December 2013. If it says that you were due in December 2012 then you have until the end of June 2013 to submit your journal or it will lapse. Maybe you’ve decided not to recertify because (a) you are unemployed, (b) no longer in the quality field or perhaps, (c ) your employer no longer will pay for it? Think about this, your certification belongs to you and no one else. Your name is on it and no one else’s. It is portable and you can bring the recognition to your next company. Remember how hard you had to study for it? If you let it lapse you must rewrite the exam. Do you know where you will be employed in a year or so? Well congratulations if you do because most of us don’t and it could come in handy then, it sure won’t hinder you to retain it. The cost of $59 USD to renew one certification is much less than it would to rewrite. If you are unemployed, then contact ASQ directly at 1-800-248-1946. Ask for “Recertification” then explain your unemployment situation to them. You may be able to have your due date extended. But at $59.00 that is not really that much if it will help land your next job? If you are a member of Section 0401 Montreal, then contact Norman Dickinson at or at 514-334-6102 to find out where to send your journal. If you are NOT a member of Section 401, then contact ASQ directly at 1-800-248-1946. 16.
Unemployed Member Dues
Unemployed ASQ members receive a discount on their membership dues based on consecutive years of membership.
Eligibility Criteria
NOTE: The following links require that you be logged into your account before you try to activate them. Download the Unemployment
Application (July 2012–June 2013 Membership Groups) (Microsoft Word
document, 101 KB) |
Please send us your comments about the ASQ Montreal Section 0401 E-Newsletter (topics, layout, length, etc.). Do you want to contribute an article (English or French) or a good idea? Contact us by e-mail. |
it on
We invite you to forward this Newsletter to friends and colleagues who may be interested. |
Section 0401 Newsletter is prepared by and published for its members. How to
Opt Out. This
is being sent in the course of normal Montreal Section
to the e-mail address of record. We are not responsible for forwarded
e-mails. If you no longer wish to receive e-mail communications from
the Montreal Section (your section) of ASQ, please visit your ASQ
account to unsubscribe or
reply to this message, indicating Opt
Out in the
e-mail body
and in the title. |