Section 0401

February 2014 (Volume 64 - Issue 2)

Our objective: To increase awareness, interest, and involvement in Section activities and
quality-related subjects.  Visit our web site at

1 - Next Event

7 - 2013-14 Planned Events 

13 - Section Education Program 

2 - Ad / Publicité

8 - The Interview Corner

14 - Executive Committee Meetings & Officers 

3 - The Editor's Corner

9 - Welcome to our New Members

15 - Recertification

4 - A Word from Your Section Chair

10 - Site Members 16 - Unemployed Member Dues

5 - Had You Come to the Last Event

11 - Other ASQ Events

17 - Feedback/Advertising Rates

6- Voice Of The Customer

12 - ASQ News

1. Next Event


    Wednesday, February 19, 2014


6:00 PM


Sheraton Montreal Airport Hotel

     555 McMillan Avenue
Dorval, Quebec
H9P 1B7

Quality Night
Pecha Kucha Presentations

Please join us on February 19th, 2014 and experience not 1, not 2, but 4 presentations on Quality related topics, all delivered in the Japanese presentation style of Pecha Kucha.

This will be co-sponsored event by ASQ Montreal and BSI Canada.

2. Ad / Publicité

Pecha Kucha, the Japanese term for the sound of conversation (“chit chat”), began in Tokyo back in 2003. Conceived by Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham, their original goal was to create a space where designers could share their ideas/passions with others. However, knowing how dangerous it is to give a designer a microphone, they decided to put some checks in place.

In order to keep speakers from droning on and on, a Pecha Kucha presentation has 2 key stipulations:

1) The presentation must contain only 20 slides.
2) Each slide is on display for 20 seconds each.

Because of this constraint every Pecha Kucha presentation, regardless of speaker or topic, is exactly 6 minutes and 40 seconds in length.

Given this presentation style, we are able to accord time to 4 speakers on this evening, each delivering short, concise and (hopefully) entertaining presentations on 4 different Quality related subjects. Each presentation will be immediately followed by a Q&A session, in order for audience members to engage in a dialog regarding the topic presented.

As noted above, this month's event will be co-sponsored by BSI Canada.


Michael Bournazian (Bombardier Aerospace)


: Is supplier satisfaction an oxymoron?  Is it important?  Is it necessary when we see so much about that "other type" of satisfaction glaring back at us from our Quality standards, manuals and procedures?  This presentation will make the argument that a satisfied supplier is important for the overall good of the supply chain.

BIO: Michael Bournazian is a professional member of the Order of Quebec Engineers, and received his Bachelors degree in Metallurgical Engineering from McGill University in 1993. Although he started his career in the metallurgical field, Michael found his way into Quality Management in 1998, where he has been ever since. He has worked in the Aerospace, Automotive and Energy sectors. He is a certified ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Lead Auditor, as well as a certified Six Sigma Green Belt. He was a Principal Auditor with Rolls-Royce Canada (Energy business) from 2007 until 2013, and a member of the HS&E Committee from 2011 until 2013. He is now back in the Aerospace sector with Bombardier Aerospace, as a Senior Quality Assurance Analyst with the Supplier Quality Management group.

Pierre Dovala (BSI Canada)


: ISO 9001, the world’s most popular standard for quality management, is now under review, with an updated version due to be available by the end of 2015. What's it going to do to me and what's it going to do for me? In this presentation, we'll look at the proposed changes to the ISO 9001 standard and ask:
     1. Where are we now?
     2. What are the new requirements?
     3. How big a change is the 'risk' factor?
     4. How many clauses require changes?
     5. How do we get the biggest benefit with the least disruption?
     6. What are the next steps for you and your organization?

BIO: Pierre Dovala has over 10 years of experience working as an Account Manager, the last four years with BSI Canada. Pierre has a strong background working with ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 13485, ISO 50001, OHSAS 18001 CE Marking, Risk Management and Software Solution Sales.

Raymond Dyer (IEC Holden)


: Many have accused Corrective Action as being overly complicated and difficult to understand. The truth is that, while often abused and incompletely addressed, it is actually pretty simply to understand, just hard to put into effect. This presentation will review what is expected from Corrective Action and some common misperceptions surrounding it.

BIO: Raymond E. Dyer has over 30 years of experience in complex industries including explosives, chemicals, telecommunications, some aerospace, and now contract manufacturing of electric motors. He has held positions in product development and management, purchasing, and quality management and has frequently been called on to conduct various training sessions and work with cross functional groups within his organizations. Ray has also taught Quality courses at HEC Montréal.

Ray has been a member of the ASQ since 1993, an ASQ Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence (CMQ/OE) since 1996, an ASQ Certified Quality Auditor (CQA) since 1997, and a senior member since 2001. He has held several positions on the Executive Committee (Leadership Team) of the ASQ Montreal Section 0401. Ray has a B.Sc in Biochemistry, an MBA in Strategic Management, and a Post MBA Graduate Certificate in Management.

Ray is currently Corporate Quality Manager at IEC Holden in Montreal.

Jim Moran (The Learning Alliance)


: We can HOPE that we're identifying risks, or we can take a STRUCTURED APPROACH to risk management. This presentation will highlight key steps to help you manage risk effectively. We'll also reference this requirement as it applies to the upcoming ISO 9001:2015 standard.

BIO: Jim Moran has been a management educator since 1977. He has written articles for a number of business publications, radio shows and hosted the TV talk show “How’s Business?”.

Jim has developed, designed and delivered training courses for Fortune 500 companies, the Federal government and Provincial governments. Since 1992, he has implemented more than 25 ISO Management Systems for ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 17025 and integrated systems that include more than 1 set of requirements. His training courses have included additional Standards ISO 15189 (Medical Labs) and OHSAS 18001 (Health and Safety). He has been working with BSI since 2004 developing and delivering courses.

His website includes a link to his 'One Page Quality Manual' model.

ASQ Members ($40)
Non-Members ($50)

NOTE: For students wanting to get to the Sheraton Hotel, you can easily take the STM Express City Bus 747 which will drop you off at the Pierre Elliott Trudeau airport.  After which, you may take the Sheraton's free shuttle to get to the hotel.  Click HERE for more details.
After the meeting, an ASQ member will often be available to drop off a student at a nearby bus or metro station.

Bring your business cards and be ready to network.

To register for any event or for more information on events please contact:
Mr. Sukhvinder Jutla
Tel: (450) 647-8092


3. The Editor's Corner

By Michael Bournazian, Eng., Newsletter Editor

On January 13, 2014, large chunks of concrete fell from an overpass onto the Trans Canada Highway in Montreal.  The concrete struck a vehicle, and luckily no one was injured.  The traffic chaos that ensued was terrible, as you can imagine, as portions of the highway around the incident site were closed off.

The provincial Transport Minister ordered emergency inspection of overpasses throughout the province. Of the 605 that were inspected, 47 (or 7.8%) were found to need "immediate intervention".

Question: how effective do you think this province is at conducting preventive maintenance on highway bridges and overpasses when nearly 10% were found to need immediate intervention?

These immediate interventions (aka firefighting) would not be necessary (or at the least be greatly minimized) with a regular maintenance/inspection system in place.

Businesses that operate machinery that fabricate components for continuous periods of time know the benefit of regularly scheduled maintenance operations.  Neglect towards these machines can result in breakdowns and nonconformances, which in turn result in late deliveries, increased rework costs, increased cost of non-quality, etc.  Sure, the machine will not be available for a period of time, but better the lost time to assure a properly functioning machine than the lost time from a full blown unexpected breakdown, or parts that require quarantine, disposition, rework, scrapping, etc.

Similarly with the overpasses, I would rather the occasional traffic delay or detour because a Transport Department crew is inspecting and maintaining the structure.  Sure beats the alternative of having concrete raining down and causing a fatality.


Any feedback?  Click on the link in the bottom right corner of this section and let me know.  Thanks.

4. A Word from your Section Chair

By Bill Wilson, Section Chair

Hello everyone.

It is hard not to have a bit of Olympic fever these days. When you see athletes who have established their goals, established the training they need, participate in many trial races and bring their complete commitment to the goal of winning a medal. No matter how many times they might not win, they work with their team to find ways to improve their performance. The same basic tools we all use to work towards improvement.

Are we working towards our medal?  How is our team training going?  How was our last race (audit)?  Am I, is the team, committed to the goal?  The challenges are many, but like our Olympians, keep pushing.

And Go Canada Go!

Give me your feedback by e-mail

5. Had You Come to the Last Event

By Eric Stern, ASQ Senior Member, CQA, Publicity co-chair

Had you come . . . Measurement Uncertainty

David Llorens, Quality Manager and Metrology Development at Ulrich Metrology Inc., presented during our January event “MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY, Practical Applications in the Metrology Lab and on the Shop Floor”.
The definitions of the Measurand, the value of a quantity, and the Measurement Uncertainty were quickly associated with practical examples using metrology terminology that adds uncertainty budget, expanded uncertainty, coverage factor to the description of the measurement.

One of his slides summed up the importance of uncertainty: “After delivering the order, one quarter of them are rejected by the customer as being out of tolerance which leads to: Rework, Lo$$e$, Unhappy customer”. In his example, this happened because the instrument caused uncertainty that was as large as the product dimension tolerance. The solution in this case is to use a more precise instrument. Next he distinguished between the Monte Carlo method of random values and the Root Sum Square method that uses the statistical method of adding the squares of the values and determining uncertainty by using the square root of the sums.
A rigorous discussion would take much longer than the time allocated for the presentation. The summary and examples gave a taste of what is involved to the audience. Factors affecting uncertainty mentioned: repeatability, accuracy, bias, precision, operator training, environment, measurement method. Methods of establishing the values contributing to the uncertainty included statistics and R&R studies for “type A”; calibration certificates, manufacturer literature and other information for “type B” factors. The distribution of values conforms typically to normal curves, but in some cases the distribution can be different, e.g. square.

In conclusion it is important to determine whether the measuring system is adequate for the current and future needs. To improve accuracy one has to choose adequate instruments, calibrate them, train the operators, control temperature, humidity and other environmental factors, and focus on the largest contributors to uncertainty. Those who measure and report measurements need to understand well the accepted guidelines for measurement uncertainty calculation. Those who use measurement values must pay attention to the size of the uncertainty in order to reach valid decisions about acceptance of products or processes and in order to consider optimization of the measurement methods.

P.S. To those who did not come:
I am wondering whether there are other means of providing you support and information in addition to the events organized around a guest speaker. Section 404 organizes plant visits and webcasts as well as similar events. Linkedin provides a forum for those who want to ask questions or share information. Would some of the newer technologies that permit shorter bursts of information serve at least some of the readers? I am thinking of text messages or twitter, even though I do not use them. If you have any ideas please send them to


Eric Stern, CQA, senior member, publicity co-chair, developmental coach and consultant at Expertech CMSC, expressing his own opinions (
For networking with local quality professionals explore these groups:

6. Voice of the Customer

By Raymond E. Dyer, ASQ Senior Member CMQ/OE & CQA, Voice of the Customer Chair


At the Section Leadership Team's request, I sent you all a quick e-mail survey as to what was the specific reason you did not attend our January 2014 event. It’s always interesting to get this feedback. Including myself (I was in Mexico and thus could not attend) I received 39 responses of which some listed more than one cause. I've collated them into general categories and here's the summary of the reasons provided:

  • 11 had other obligations (personal, work, etc.)
  • 10 were not there (e.g. traveling)
  • 9 had no interest
  • 7 claimed cost (a few students in there)
  • 6 claimed location (esp. from south shore or downtown)
  • 3 were not in the general Montreal area, so distance is a big factor
  • 2 claimed time held
  • 2 claimed insufficient notification
  • 2 had e-mail issues
  • 1 each of: bad previous experience, not enough RUs per event, and "no reason"

I'll be reviewing some of the details with the Leadership Team, but from what I can quickly gather, the main areas we have influence over and should explore would be the themes, the formula (especially for cost), and the location (and here I'm thinking further leveraging our University locations). Thanks to all that participated.

7. 2014-15 Planned Events

By Sukhvinder S. Jutla, 2013-14 Program Chair

Date, time, and location will be confirmed as we progress into the year.  Most events are planned for Wednesday evenings and are held at the Sheraton Montreal Airport Hotel.   Watch the Newsletter and our web site for further details.



March 19, 2014 Standardization Process
April 16, 2014 Continuous Improvement
May 21, 2014 Deployment of PPAP
July 2014 **Golf Tournament**
September 17, 2014 Human Factors . . . continued
October 15, 2014 Selling / Influencing
November 19, 2014 Counterfeit Parts
January 2015 TBD
February 2015 TBD
March 2015 TBD
April 2015

To register for any event of for more information on events please contact: Sukhvinder Jutla at (450) 647-8092 or e-mail at

8. The Interview Corner

By Kostya Polinkevych, Ph.D, CSQE, ASQ Senior Member

We do not have an interview to present this month.

Please check back in March 2014 for our next interview.

9. Welcome to our New Members

Amit Arora
James A. Lacy
Ilka Mcsween
Jongseob Park
Sheraz Saadat
Vadym Savelyev
Changzun Zhou

10. Site Members

ASQ Montreal Section thanks our Site Members:

SC Johnson Home Storage

QMI - SAI Global

11. Other ASQ Events

ASQ Montreal Francophone Section 404 (Thursday, February 27, 2014)

The next event for our Montreal Francophone section will be on February 27, 2014 at 6:00pm.  It will be a site visit to Centre d'appels AccèsD Desjardins, located at 3155 boul L’Assomption, Montréal, H1N 3S8. It is free, but limited space available.  To register for the event, click HERE.

ASQ Ottawa Section 407 (Wednesday, February 26, 2014)

Results-based Management as a Quality System

There is growing recognition of the need to integrate planning, performance and risk. Treasury Board Secretariat is encouraging departments to focus on results and move beyond performance measurement to the use of results information in decision-making. Results-based Management and Quality initiatives have much in common. The next version of ISO 9001 includes requirements to assess risks related to customers, processes and goods & services.

In this workshop, Ruth Stanley will explore how the classic Quality mantra “Plan”, ” Do”, “Check”, “Act” can be used to move performance measurement along the continuum toward full implementation of results-based management. The focus will be on how to connect people, products, tools, processes and decisions to achieve expected results and continuous improvement. The focus of this presentation is to test drive a concept with quality professionals.

About your presenter
Ruth Stanley is an analyst at the Public Health Agency of Canada. She has been a member of the planning community for almost twenty years. She has gained planning, performance, reporting and Management Accountability Framework assessment experience at the Division, Program, Branch and Corporate level from Canada Customs and Revenue Agency, Health Canada, Natural Resources Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada. Her current interest is in the implementation of results-based management.

PLACE: Centurion Conference & Event Center, 170 Colonnade Road, Nepean, ON. K2E 7J5 (613-727-1044)
FOOD: Buffet Style Dinner 6:00 p.m. To 7:00 p.m. ($20.00 Cash only). Students who do not wish to take part in the dinner and networking may arrive at 6:45 for the 7:00 presentation - $5.00 at the door.
TIMES: Networking 5:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Buffet Style Dinner 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Presentation 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

For full information and to register for the event, click HERE.

12. ASQ News

Hoist Help
Miners in Canada wanted to improve the performance of a hoist, which is considered the lifeblood of any mining operation. An improvement team turned to two continuous improvement analysis tools—overall equipment effectiveness and waterfall analysis - to determine how to get the most from its hoist and other hoist-related activities.
Click here to read more . . .

Is Your Success Story the Next ASQ Case Study
Do you have a real-life story of quality success within your organization? Would you like your company to be recognized by thousands of quality professionals worldwide? Then contact case study coordinator Adam Wise today at to pursue a case study opportunity with ASQ.
Click here to view examples of past ASQ case studies . . .

Psychic Pizza
ASQ member John Goodman, who specializes in customer care experience and research, discusses a concept he calls “Psychic Pizza,” which means anticipating customer’s questions and answering them before they’re even asked.
Click here to watch the video . . .

Global Supply Chain
In today's global economy, most organizations know they can't go at it alone. To build products and services that customers demand, businesses must forge partnerships with each other. So how do you ensure you're adding the right partners to your supply chain process? The newest episode of ASQ™ TV addresses some of today’s issues with global supply chains.
Click here to watch the video . . .

13. ASQ Montreal Section Education Program 2013-2014

By David Tozer, Ph.D., ASQ CQE and SSBB, Education & Audit Chair

Having ASQ certification gives you an edge in the market and can significantly increase your income.

ASQ Certification often leads to higher paying employment.  The money invested in education and certification increases chances of finding employment quickly in the down sizing environment we live in.  People who take the section sponsored refresher courses, and spend at least twice as much time as spent in the classroom on self study, have an 80%, or better, chance of passing the examination on the first attempt.

Certified Quality Engineer Topics include: quality concepts, cost of quality, human resources, team formation and group dynamics, inspection, metrology, sampling, reliability, quality standards, quality audit, statistics, design of experiments, process improvement, liability, and modern management methods for improving quality.

Certified Six Sigma Black Belt Topics include: quality concepts, cost of quality, enterprise wide deployment, business process management, project management, team formation and group dynamics, define, measure, analyze, improve, control, lean enterprise, statistics, design of experiments, and design for six sigma.

Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Topics include: quality concepts, cost of quality, enterprise wide deployment, business process management, project management, team formation and group dynamics, define, measure, analyze, improve, control, and statistics.

Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence Topics include: quality concepts, quality planning, customer focus, quality standards, project management, cost of quality, team formation and group dynamics, human resources and improvement.

Certified Quality Auditor Topics include: quality concepts, team formation and group dynamics, management responsibility, audit objectives, audit preparation, audit conduct, audit reporting, sampling, and basic statistics.

Certified Quality Inspector Topics include: quality concepts, team formation and group dynamics, geometry, metrology, reading drawings, mechanical processes, statistical process control, inspection, and sampling.

Calendar and Registration Form

Questions? In house courses, etc.: David Tozer:  (514) 694-2830,

14. Executive Committee Meetings & Officers

Section Executive Committee (Leadership Team) Meetings are held at different locations, starting at 6 PM. The next regular meeting is tentatively scheduled for :

March 5, 2014

Consult the List of Your Executive for 2013-14 here

Note that all dates planned are subject to change.  Please call ahead to attend by contacting the Section Chair or the Section Secretary.

Note: Available on request for section members only are minutes of section executive meetings (contact the Secretary) and section operating budget information (contact the Treasurer).

15. Recertification

Is Your Recertification Due?

Look at your wallet card to see when your present certification is due to expire. If it says June 31, 2013 you are in time. Get your journal, with supporting objective evidence (you should know what that is) to me before the end of December 2013. If it says that you were due in December 2012 then you have until the end of June 2013 to submit your journal or it will lapse.

Maybe you’ve decided not to recertify because (a) you are unemployed, (b) no longer in the quality field or perhaps, (c ) your employer no longer will pay for it? Think about this, your certification belongs to you and no one else. Your name is on it and no one else’s. It is portable and you can bring the recognition to your next company. Remember how hard you had to study for it? If you let it lapse you must rewrite the exam. Do you know where you will be employed in a year or so? Well congratulations if you do because most of us don’t and it could come in handy then, it sure won’t hinder you to retain it. The cost of $59 USD to renew one certification is much less than it would to rewrite. If you are unemployed, then contact ASQ directly at 1-800-248-1946. Ask for “Recertification” then explain your unemployment situation to them. You may be able to have your due date extended. But at $59.00 that is not really that much if it will help land your next job?

If you are a member of Section 0401 Montreal, then contact Norman Dickinson at or at 514-334-6102 to find out where to send your journal. If you are NOT a member of Section 401, then contact ASQ directly at 1-800-248-1946.

16. Unemployed Member Dues

Unemployed ASQ members receive a discount on their membership dues based on consecutive years of membership.

Consecutive Years of Membership Dues Discount
1-4 50%
5 or more 100%

Eligibility Criteria

  • You must be a Full, Senior, or Fellow member.
  • Any years as a Forum, Associate, or enrolled student do not qualify.
  • You may submit this application only after being unemployed for at least 90 days.
  • You must be actively seeking employment.
  • Retired or self-employed members are not eligible. ASQ offers a similar benefit for retired members.


  • Your basic membership dues for the current membership year will be paid or partially paid by ASQ. Basic membership dues exclude
    additional Forums and Divisions, journals, and additional Sections (Seniors and Fellows—you keep your extra benefit of choice).
  • You may participate in the program for no more than two years in your membership lifetime. You must complete an application for the second
    year of participation.
  • After renewing your membership, please visit Careers in Quality to search for jobs, apply for positions online, and post your resume for employers to view.

NOTE: The following links require that you be logged into your account before you try to activate them.

Download the ASQ Unemployment Program Application PDF (105 KB)

NOTE: The information related to this benefit was correct at the time this Newsletter was issued.  But as the ASQ has the right to revise its benefits, please contact the ASQ for the latest information on this benefit.  It may be revised or discontinued at any time.

17. Feedback

Please send us your comments about the ASQ Montreal Section 0401 E-Newsletter (topics, layout, length, etc.).  Do you want to contribute an article (English or French) or a good idea?  Contact us by e-mail.

Advertising Rates (per ad)


 ASQ Member



First Ad



Regular size



Small size



10% discount  for 2 to 7 issues
25% discount for 8 issues (full year) 

Contact Michael Bournazian for more information

Pass it on

We invite you to forward this Newsletter to friends and colleagues who may be interested.

The ASQ Montreal Section 0401 Newsletter is prepared by and published for its members.
Section web site:
Newsletter Editor: Michael Bournazian, Eng.
The opinions expressed in the Newsletter are those of the authors, not those of ASQ. Articles may be reproduced if the source is stated
If you are an ASQ Montreal Section member and wish to receive this Newsletter by e-mail, please go to and revise your profile to add mailings from your section.

How to Opt Out.

This e-mail is being sent in the course of normal Montreal Section  business to the e-mail address of record. We are not responsible for forwarded e-mails. If you no longer wish to receive e-mail communications from the Montreal Section (your section) of ASQ, please visit your ASQ account to unsubscribe or reply to this message, indicating Opt Out in the e-mail body and in the title.

Keep in mind that by doing this you will no longer receive ANY correspondence from your section. If you are concerned about too many emails, ASQ has suggested limitations about how many e-mails may be sent to the section members each month. This does not extend to career notifications.