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Section 0401

October 2014 (Volume 64 - Issue 8)

Our objective: To increase awareness, interest, and involvement in Section activities and
quality-related subjects.  Visit our web site at

1 - Next Event

7- 2014-15 Planned Events 

13 - Executive Committee Meetings & Officers

2 - Ad / Publicité

8 - Welcome to our New Members

14 - Recertification

3 - The Editor's Corner

9 - Site Members

15 - Unemployed Member Dues

4 - A Word from Your Section Chair

10 - Other ASQ Events 16 - Feedback/Advertising Rates

5 - Had You Come to the Last Event

11 - ASQ News

6 - Proposed Slate of Officers

12 - Section Education Program

1. Next Event


Wednesday, October 15, 2014


6:00 PM


Sheraton Montreal Airport Hotel

     555 McMillan Avenue
Dorval, Quebec
H9P 1B7

ASQ Montreal Section 401 General Assembly
(18h00 to 18h30)

Agenda Items
1) Call to Order
2) Adoption of Agenda
3) Adoption of Previous Minutes
4) Chair Report
5) Treasurer's Report
6) Program Chair Report
7) Membership Chair Report
8) Election of Officers
9) Recognitions
10) Adjournment

The General Assembly will be followed by dinner (18h30 -19h15) and then this month's presentation:

Improving Processes with Attribute Control Charts

Dr. David Tozer


Education & Audit Chair


Please join us on Wednesday, October 15th to hear our guest speaker present the topic of Improving Processes with Attribute Control Charts. 

2. Ad / Publicité

Many processes produce attribute data; the data values are yes or no or other two valued data. For example, one could count the number of incorrect data entries in a computer system for paper based data being transcribed or scanned into the computer. These data on error rates can then be used to make an attribute chart. The process can be modified and the control chart used to see if the changes improved the process, that is reduced the error rate.

People attending the meeting will learn how to apply attribute charts to everyday opportunities for improvement.

David Tozer earned a Ph. D. in physics at the University of Waterloo. He then worked in the quality field for many years in the pharmaceutical, defence, aerospace, medical, manufacturing, and software industries. In industry, Dr. Tozer successfully led teams of people to improve their organizations using the Six Sigma methodology. He is an ASQ Certified Quality Engineer and Certified Six Sigma Black Belt and teaches quality courses for the ASQ. Dr. Tozer trained over five hundred people in various topics in the quality field. 

ASQ Members ($40)
Non-Members ($50)

NOTE: For students wanting to get to the Sheraton Hotel, you can easily take the STM Express City Bus 747 which will drop you off at the Pierre Elliott Trudeau airport.  After which, you may take the Sheraton's free shuttle to get to the hotel.  Click HERE for more details.
After the meeting, an ASQ member will often be available to drop off a student at a nearby bus or metro station.

Bring your business cards and be ready to network.

To register for any event or for more information on events please contact:
Mr. Sukhvinder Jutla
Tel: (450) 647-8092


3. The Editor's Corner

By Michael Bournazian, Eng., Newsletter Editor

In life sometimes, it is important to get right to the point.

So let me get right to it:

Your ASQ Montreal Section 401 Newsletter Editor is presently looking for a new job opportunity.

Therefore, if anyone reading this knows of any opportunities in the Montreal area for a Quality Management, Quality Assurance & Audit professional, please visit my LinkedIn page, where you will find both English and French copies of my CV, as well as my contact information.


Any feedback?  Click on the link in the bottom right corner of this section and let me know.  Thanks.

4. A Word from your Section Chair

By Bill Wilson, Section Chair

During the rough and tumble that can be the financial year end, there can be an opportunity. An opportunity to see how robust our systems are under stress, did anything breakdown or create a bottleneck. Review the results for that period, walk the process with that “rush/overloaded” point of view. Have a good year end and good hunting for those hidden improvements.

Give me your feedback by e-mail

5. Had You Come to the Last Event

By Eric Stern, ASQ Senior Member, CQA, Publicity co-chair

Had you come . . . HUMAN FACTORS

Gregory Blanc promised in his “Lessons from Human Factors Psychology” to show us how to learn from organizations that crafted effective ways to avoid disasters related to human errors. He described in great detail a large variety of disasters, especially in the aeronautics industry.

The safety nets that he recommended to avoid disasters include rules, procedures, practices, corporate culture reflected in common behaviour that end up preventing hazards. The Swiss-cheese metaphor of overlaying lapses in the defense against mishaps includes organizational influences, unsafe supervision, preconditions to unsafe acts, showing that often more than one cause contributes to disasters.  Disasters in the aeronautics industry were followed up with changes in procedures and regulations that ensured that the same type of hazard would not happen again.  From the medical field, he mentioned surgery check-lists and time-out meetings, simulation systems, Crew Resource Management training and the review of internal culture.

After the Chernobyl disaster people have learned in the nuclear industry that during testing, maintenance and after alarms the risk of human errors is increased, especially in systems with low redundancy or not sufficiently automated. Increased hazards during shift changes and related to improper system design can be partly compensated by training and simulation. The Safety Management System proposed describes the need to describe safety risks, safety practices associated with a safety culture, setting goals, measuring performance, always taking in account the human factors. To be effective, the safety policy has to be non-punitive, focusing on the system more than the individual. Effective safety policies rely on the accountability of all levels of management, accepting safety as core personal and business values, the attitude that all accidents are preventable and that there is always room for improvement. It is important not to punish those who report safety hazards or deficiencies.

During the Q&A period, I mentioned the need to select for jobs people who have the interest and capability to learn, and put in practice the recommended or prescribed systems and procedures. Gregory mentioned as reference the TP 13751 - Aircraft Maintenance & Manufacturing Inspection and Audit (Checklists) Manual.

Shortly after his presentation I received an invitation to this website, which outlines a number of relevant systems, techniques and tools.


Eric Stern, CQA, senior member, publicity co-chair, developmental coach and consultant at Expertech CMSC, expressing his own opinions (

For networking with local quality professionals explore these groups:

6. Proposed Slate of Officers (January - December 2015)

By Raymond E. Dyer, ASQ Senior Member, CMQ/OE, CQA, Nominating Committee Chair

In accordance with Sections 5.4 and 6.1 of the Section Operating Agreement, the Montreal Section 401 Nominating Committee comprising of I. Alli, N. Dickinson, D. Tozer, and R.E. Dyer (Nominating Committee Chair), proposes the following Slate of Officers for January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015:

Chair: Francois Pageau

Vice-Chair: Robert Demers
Secretary: Chantale Simard
Treasurer: William (Bill) Wilson

To nominate a different slate of officers or obtain further information, please contact Raymond E. Dyer at; alternate nominations for Section officer positions can be made by petition of at least 10 members of the Section. Please note that to hold a Section Officer one must be a member of the Section in good standing.

7. 2014-15 Planned Events

By Sukhvinder S. Jutla, 2014-15 Program Chair

Date, time, and location will be confirmed as we progress into the year.  Most events are planned for Wednesday evenings and are held at the Sheraton Montreal Airport Hotel.   Watch the Newsletter and our web site for further details.



November 19, 2014 Software Quality
January 2015 TBD
February 2015 TBD
March 2015 TBD
April 2015 TBD
May 2015 TBD
June 2015 TBD
July 2015 Golf Tournament
September 2015 TBD
October 2015 TBD
November 2015

8. Welcome to our New Members

Masoomeh Bakhshi Jafroodi
Robert Gagne
Eusebio Olalde LG
Nicolae Popovici

9. Site Members

ASQ Montreal Section thanks our Site Members:

QMI - SAI Global

10. Other ASQ Events

ASQ Montreal Francophone Section 404 (Thursday, October 16, 2014)

Our Montreal Francophone section is organizing an company onsite visit  to NAV Canada in Dorval, Quebec.  Information regarding the visit can be found HERE.  To register for the event, click HERE.

11. ASQ News

Survey Results Available for Member Units
The results from the 2014 ASQ Satisfaction and Loyalty Survey are posted and available for review. This data can help shape strategic direction for your section, division, or local member community.
Click here for survey results . . .

Six Sigma Optimization of Mystery Shopping: A Hypothetical Case Study on the Nigerian Banking Industry
Mystery shopping (MS) is a tool used externally or internally to measure the quality of service and compliance with standards and regulations. It can increase employee awareness about the customer to improve customer satisfaction and deliver excellent service, which in turn increases sales and reduces risk exposure. In the MS process, parameters such as staff attitude, knowledge index, turnaround time, and empathy are tested to monitor service delivery performance. A quality defect is the difference between expected and observed variants. Operational opportunities that could cause defects are the total number of service operators tested by mystery shoppers.
Click to take the short survey . . .

ASQ - University Partnerships Survey
ASQ is developing a strategy for creating stronger partnerships with universities around the world. Please take a moment to fill out this survey to help document existing partnerships and what creates shared value.
Click here to watch . . .

TCC Election Results
Congratulations to the three individuals who will serve the 2015–16 term on ASQ’s board of directors as national directors representing the Technical Communities Council (TCC): Heather Crawford, Ray Crawford and Ha Dao have all been re-elected. Their terms will begin January 1, 2015.

Also, congratulations to Heather Crawford, TCC chair, and Daniella Picciotti, TCC vice chair, who have both been elected for 2015 and will begin their new terms on January 1.

12. ASQ Montreal Section Education Program 2013-2014

By David Tozer, Ph.D., ASQ CQE and SSBB, Education & Audit Chair

Having ASQ certification gives you an edge in the market and can significantly increase your income.

ASQ Certification often leads to higher paying employment.  The money invested in education and certification increases chances of finding employment quickly in the down sizing environment we live in.  People who take the section sponsored refresher courses, and spend at least twice as much time as spent in the classroom on self study, have an 80%, or better, chance of passing the examination on the first attempt.

Certified Quality Engineer Topics include: quality concepts, cost of quality, human resources, team formation and group dynamics, inspection, metrology, sampling, reliability, quality standards, quality audit, statistics, design of experiments, process improvement, liability, and modern management methods for improving quality.

Certified Six Sigma Black Belt Topics include: quality concepts, cost of quality, enterprise wide deployment, business process management, project management, team formation and group dynamics, define, measure, analyze, improve, control, lean enterprise, statistics, design of experiments, and design for six sigma.

Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Topics include: quality concepts, cost of quality, enterprise wide deployment, business process management, project management, team formation and group dynamics, define, measure, analyze, improve, control, and statistics.

Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence Topics include: quality concepts, quality planning, customer focus, quality standards, project management, cost of quality, team formation and group dynamics, human resources and improvement.

Certified Quality Auditor Topics include: quality concepts, team formation and group dynamics, management responsibility, audit objectives, audit preparation, audit conduct, audit reporting, sampling, and basic statistics.

Certified Quality Inspector Topics include: quality concepts, team formation and group dynamics, geometry, metrology, reading drawings, mechanical processes, statistical process control, inspection, and sampling.

Calendar and Registration Form

Questions? In house courses, etc.: David Tozer:  (514) 694-2830,

13. Executive Committee Meetings & Officers

Section Executive Committee (Leadership Team) Meetings are held at different locations, starting at 6 PM. The next regular meeting is tentatively scheduled for :

November 4, 2014

Consult the List of Your Executive for 2013-14 here

Note that all dates planned are subject to change.  Please call ahead to attend by contacting the Section Chair or the Section Secretary.

Note: Available on request for section members only are minutes of section executive meetings (contact the Secretary) and section operating budget information (contact the Treasurer).

14. Recertification

Revised Recertification Cost

Please note there are revised costs for recertification. Some members are using the old journal which lists the previous cost. Submitting it this way will only delay your recertification while ASQ attempts to contact you for your permission to use the new price. I have attached the front page of the application journal. Two of them. Both are in PDF format. One is merely a form to print out and complete by hand and the other is a fillable form to be printed out after you have completed it.

Basic hand form

Fillable form

If you are a member of Section 0401 Montreal, then contact Norman Dickinson at or at 514-334-6102 to find out where to send your journal. If you are NOT a member of Section 401, then contact ASQ directly at 1-800-248-1946.

15. Unemployed Member Dues

Unemployed ASQ members receive a discount on their membership dues based on consecutive years of membership.

Consecutive Years of Membership Dues Discount
1-4 50%
5 or more 100%

Eligibility Criteria

  • You must be a Full, Senior, or Fellow member.
  • Any years as a Forum, Associate, or enrolled student do not qualify.
  • You may submit this application only after being unemployed for at least 90 days.
  • You must be actively seeking employment.
  • Retired or self-employed members are not eligible. ASQ offers a similar benefit for retired members.


  • Your basic membership dues for the current membership year will be paid or partially paid by ASQ. Basic membership dues exclude
    additional Forums and Divisions, journals, and additional Sections (Seniors and Fellows—you keep your extra benefit of choice).
  • You may participate in the program for no more than two years in your membership lifetime. You must complete an application for the second
    year of participation.
  • After renewing your membership, please visit Careers in Quality to search for jobs, apply for positions online, and post your resume for employers to view.

NOTE: The following links require that you be logged into your account before you try to activate them.

Download the ASQ Unemployment Program Application PDF (105 KB)

NOTE: The information related to this benefit was correct at the time this Newsletter was issued.  But as the ASQ has the right to revise its benefits, please contact the ASQ for the latest information on this benefit.  It may be revised or discontinued at any time.

16. Feedback

Please send us your comments about the ASQ Montreal Section 0401 E-Newsletter (topics, layout, length, etc.).  Do you want to contribute an article (English or French) or a good idea?  Contact us by e-mail.

Advertising Rates (per ad)


 ASQ Member



First Ad



Regular size



Small size



10% discount  for 2 to 7 issues
25% discount for 8 issues (full year) 

Contact Michael Bournazian for more information

Pass it on

We invite you to forward this Newsletter to friends and colleagues who may be interested.

The ASQ Montreal Section 0401 Newsletter is prepared by and published for its members.
Section web site:
Newsletter Editor: Michael Bournazian, Eng.
The opinions expressed in the Newsletter are those of the authors, not those of ASQ. Articles may be reproduced if the source is stated
If you are an ASQ Montreal Section member and wish to receive this Newsletter by e-mail, please go to and revise your profile to add mailings from your section.

How to Opt Out.

This e-mail is being sent in the course of normal Montreal Section  business to the e-mail address of record. We are not responsible for forwarded e-mails. If you no longer wish to receive e-mail communications from the Montreal Section (your section) of ASQ, please visit your ASQ account to unsubscribe or reply to this message, indicating Opt Out in the e-mail body and in the title.

Keep in mind that by doing this you will no longer receive ANY correspondence from your section. If you are concerned about too many emails, ASQ has suggested limitations about how many e-mails may be sent to the section members each month. This does not extend to career notifications.