Section 0401

November 2016 (Volume 66 - Issue 9)

Our objective: To increase awareness, interest, and involvement in Section activities and quality-related subjects. 

Visit our web site at

1 - Next Event

7 - Voice Of The Customer 

13 - Executive Committee Meetings & Officers 

2 - Ad / Publicité

8 - Welcome to our New Members

14 - Recertification 

3 - Upcoming ASQ Events

9 - Organization Members

15 - Unemployed Member Dues

4 - The Editor's Corner

10 - Other ASQ Events 16 - Feedback/Advertising Rates

5 - A Word from Your Section Chair

11 - ASQ News

6 - Had You Come to the Last Event

12 - Section Education Program

1. Next Event


Wednesday, November 30, 2016


6:00 PM



1790 Cote Vertu
St. Laurent, Quebec
H4L 2A6



Xavier Guillard

President & Technical Manager

ppm Metrology Inc.


Please join us on November 30th, 2016 to listen to our guest speaker present the topic of Industrial Metrology.

2. Ad / Publicité


Product manufacturing is closely linked to physical qualities that characterize them. Today, manufacturing of strategic sub-assemblies is subcontracted to highly specialized factories. As integrators, industry leaders expect that these parts are in full conformity with their specifications and require their suppliers compliance to specific quality standards. Mastering the metrology function within the manufacturing company is, consequently, a major factor in customer satisfaction.


Mr. Xavier Guillard created his own metrology laboratory, ppm Metrology, in 2005. He recently entered into a partnership with Time Electronics, UK manufacturer of test instrument and travels the world to deliver metrology services and training.

A Staff Analyst recently retired from Pratt & Whitney Canada, he also created and supervised the video metrology laboratory of Matrox Electronic Systems, the electrical metrology laboratory Ulrich Metrology (Transcat) and worked as a quality coordinator for Primo Instrument (Trescal).

Especially aware of the new international environmental challenge, he is involved in various professional associations to support Quebec industry. 

In France, throughout his 15-year Air Force career, he worked for more than 12 years as a metrology technician and became a specialist in prevention, detection and management of nuclear, bacteriological and chemical risks. In the last 2 years of his military career, he was a negotiator for the purchase and maintenance of electronics in the Ministry of Defence.

He has studied in Electronics from École Technique de l’Armée de l’Air in Rochefort, France, in Management of environmental aspect of water, air and wastes processing from IPI Environnement in Colmar, France, graduated from École de Technologie Supérieure (ETS) in Management and Quality Assurance, and from University of Sherbrooke in Public Leadership and Business Intelligence.



ASQ Members, Non-members and Students: $25 for meal, tax and service included
New ASQ Members: Free
Drinks not included

As noted above, this event will be at a new location, the Via Marcello Restaurant.
There is free parking directly in front of the restaurant.
It is also within walking distance of the Cote-Vertu metro station, which is on the orange line.
You can also take the 121 STM Bus (Sauvé/Cote-Vertu) direction west, and get off at the Cote-Vertu/Leduc stop close to the restaurant.

Bring your business cards and be ready to network.

To register for any event or for more information on events please contact:
Dr. David Tozer


3. Upcoming ASQ Events

Here is a tentative agenda for our events in 2017:

January: Networking Event
February: Six Sigma (Panel Event)
March: Human Factors
April: Quality Standards (AS9100)
May: Conference with ASQ 404
July: Golf Tournament
September: Plant Tour
October: General Assembly + Healthcare
November: Pecha Kucha Night

Please make a point to join us!

4. The Editor's Corner

By Michael Bournazian, Eng., Newsletter Editor, ASQ Senior Member, CSSGB

This is our last newsletter of 2016, and we are holding our final dinner event on November 30th.  I look forward to seeing many of you there.

As well, thank you to all you who read this newsletter. It continues to be something I enjoy putting together 9 times a year.

Finally, as we enter the holiday season, all the best to you and yours as we close out 2016, and open up 2017.


Any feedback?  Click on the link in the bottom right corner of this section and let me know.  Thanks.

5. A Word from your Section Chair

By Francois Pageau, Section Chair

W. Edwards Deming promoted the concepts of statistical thinking as a philosophy of learning and action based on the following fundamental principles: all work occurs in a system of interconnected processes; variation exists in all processes, and understanding and reducing variation are keys to success. This applies to all processes, both industrial and administrative.

One the first tools of quality and continuous improvement that is deployed to improve a process is process mapping. In its most elementary form, process mapping provides a 30,000-foot view of a process. This particular process map is called a SIPOC: Supplier, Input, Process (in its most macro form), Output and Customer. Identifying these 5 elements are usually simple enough, but sometimes it is not. In my industry for example, it happens that some of our customers are also suppliers of parts that will be assembled by us into a final product. Some administrative processes are even trickier to dissect.

As an example of an administrative process that is interesting to examine in detail, consider an election process. To make things specific and current, since I’m writing this chronicle on November 7, take the U.S. Election. There are obviously a large number of sub-processes involved here: the primaries, the presidential campaign, voting, count of vote and declaration of result to name a few. A SIPOC would aim at summarizing everything in a single process map that provides a satisfactory overview of the election process as a whole.

I might have shared with you my own draft SIPOC, however I would like you the reader to try it for yourself. If you believe that your SIPOC successfully described the election process, why not share it in a future issue of this newsletter? Your leadership team always welcomes contribution of our section members.

Give me your feedback by e-mail

6. Had You Come to the Last Event

By Eric Hosking, Senior Fellow of Quality at PWC, BApSc in Mech Eng, MBA, CQE, CSSBB and CQA

Had you come . . . Acceptance Sampling Optimization

Our annual general meeting preceded the normal event for the evening. Francois Pageau lead off with a summary of recent activities affecting the section, followed by each chair presenting a short status of their area of responsibility. Key amongst them was the Treasurer's report showing the the section has more than enough funds for one year of operation, and that current revenues more or less balance the yearly expenses.

The General Assembly closed with the proposal of a new slate of directors for 2017, which was unanimously approved:

Section Chair: Robert Demers
Section Vice Chair: Francois Pageau
Treasurer: Chantale Simard
Secretary: David Tozer

evening then turned to the presentation by the featured speaker Dr. Bassem Bouslah, who spoke about Acceptance Sampling. The talk started with the three pillars of quality as espoused by Dr. Juran, including a video featuring Dr. Juran. Dr. Bouslah chose to focus on the element of Quality Control. He also covered the history of sampling and standards evolution. He noted the key assumption underlying the standards is that of a constant rate of defects in the processes being sampled. This assumption is not realized in practice since production machines wear out.

He then went on to talk about how he, as part of his doctoral and post-doctoral work, has shown by simulation how significant savings can be realized by sampling programs that tailor themselves to the production realities. His simulations take into account the constantly changing status of the machines, their need for maintenance and the impact on defect rates.

The presentation was interesting and informative with a focus on concepts, avoiding the complex math that underlies Dr. Bouslah's work. It was very well received by the audience.

7. Voice Of The Customer

By Eric Hosking, Senior Fellow of Quality at PWC, BApSc in Mech Eng, MBA, CQE, CSSBB and CQA

ASQ has run a survey managed through the Blackstone Group that surveyed more than 2000 respondents worldwide. It analyzed over 1000 inputs from section leadership and members, and 1000 inputs from customers, people who are not members but who had used ASQ services in the last two years.

The net promoter score of members is 38.4% comparable to many peer associations.

NPS is defined as follows: Promoters (%) - Detractors(%)

Promoters are those responding favourably 9 or 10 out of 10

Detractors are those responding unfavourably, 0 through 6 out of 10.

Promoter members significantly outnumber Detractor members. Only 2% of members indicate that they are not satisfied with the ASQ. 64% of surveyed customers indicated that they would likely join the ASQ.

Detractors have concerns over the information available from the ASQ and the lack of coverage of some domains in Quality. There is a perceived acute weakness in the field of health care. This aligns to our own survey from 2015. To this end we have a undertaken our planning session to lay out the 2017 event series. Events that have been popular in the past, panel events, mentoring and Pecha Kucha, are on the schedule. Next year though, we will include a specific event in the healthcare field.

Our event of the 26th of October was in the field of acceptance sampling. The talk, which followed the general assembly, was very informative and well received with over 98 % rating it a 4 or 5 on a scale of 5.

8. Welcome to our New Members

Azin Alaeddini
Houri Alinejad
Guy Bernard Bantsiele
Daniel Hernandez
Rene Lanteigne
Max Medina
Carl Montminy
Harsha Shridhar
Alagesan Vignesh

9. Organziation Members

ASQ Montreal Section thanks our Organization Members:

QMI - SAI Global

10. Other ASQ Events

ASQ Montreal Francophone Section 404 (Thursday, November 10, 2016)

The next event for the ASQ Montreal Francophone section will be webinar entitled "Déploiement de la fonction qualité dans le développement de nouveaux produits" by M’Hamed El Haouari. For more information, click HERE.

11. ASQ News

In Memoriam: Yoji Akao
ASQ recognizes the passing of Honorary member Dr. Yoji Akao. He was the co-founder of quality function deployment (QFD) and hoshin kanri. Akao was a recipient of the ASQ Distinguished Service Medal in 2001, the Dorian Shainin Medal in 2007, and the Deming Prize in 1978. Akao passed away on October 24, 2016, at the age of 88. ASQ member Glenn Mazur has written a fitting tribute about his colleague and long-time friend.
Read more . . .

New TCC Chair and Vice Chair
Congratulations to Heather Crawford, chair, and Mark Moyer, vice chair, who have been selected to represent technical communities by the Technical Communities Council (TCC). Both are ASQ Certified Biomedical Auditors (CBAs) and are active in the Biomedical Division. Read more about the qualities, experience, and leadership they will bring to the table in 2017.
Read the biographies . . .

Introducing ASQ Collaborate
ASQ Collaborate is an integrated Microsoft 365 solution that replaces existing SharePoint sites. Member leaders and staff will have access to a collaborative environment that better meets business needs and is expandable and adaptive. For those member units that have a SharePoint site, they must submit an updated user list and, if applicable, request migration of site content by November 11, 2016. Please click here to submit a list/question or request migration. Other member units can request new sites and will be notified of availability. The base version of ASQ Collaborate will be available by the end of this year.
Read more . . .

Ninety One Percent Retention: How We Do It
Section 1007 (St. Joseph/Benton Harbor, MI) recently attained a member retention rate of 90.77 percent. Secretary Bruce Ladewski explains their process: "We at ASQ section 1007 are trying to do the 'right things' by keeping focused on our current members while making every effort to enlist new members. This is done through quality efforts in planning, facilities, soliciting speakers, and treating our members as customers."
Read more . . .

12. ASQ Montreal Section Education Program 2016

By Dr. David Tozer, Ph.D., ASQ CQE and SSBB, Education & Audit Chair

Having ASQ certification gives you an edge in the market and can significantly increase your income.

ASQ Certification often leads to higher paying employment.  The money invested in education and certification increases chances of finding employment quickly in the down sizing environment we live in.  People who take the section sponsored refresher courses, and spend at least twice as much time as spent in the classroom on self study, have an 80%, or better, chance of passing the examination on the first attempt.

Certified Quality Engineer Topics include: quality concepts, cost of quality, human resources, team formation and group dynamics, inspection, metrology, sampling, reliability, quality standards, quality audit, statistics, design of experiments, process improvement, liability, and modern management methods for improving quality.

Certified Six Sigma Black Belt Topics include: quality concepts, cost of quality, enterprise wide deployment, business process management, project management, team formation and group dynamics, define, measure, analyze, improve, control, lean enterprise, statistics, design of experiments, and design for six sigma.

Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Topics include: quality concepts, cost of quality, enterprise wide deployment, business process management, project management, team formation and group dynamics, define, measure, analyze, improve, control, and statistics.

Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence Topics include: quality concepts, quality planning, customer focus, quality standards, project management, cost of quality, team formation and group dynamics, human resources and improvement.

Certified Quality Auditor Topics include: quality concepts, team formation and group dynamics, management responsibility, audit objectives, audit preparation, audit conduct, audit reporting, sampling, and basic statistics.

Certified Quality Inspector Topics include: quality concepts, team formation and group dynamics, geometry, metrology, reading drawings, mechanical processes, statistical process control, inspection, and sampling.

Calendar and Registration Form

Questions? In house courses, etc.: Dr. David Tozer:  (514) 694-2830,

13. Executive Committee Meetings & Officers

Section Executive Committee (Leadership Team) Meetings are held at different locations, starting at 6 PM. The next regular meeting is tentatively tentatively scheduled for:

January 4, 2017.

Consult the List of Your Executive for 2016 here

Note that all dates planned are subject to change.  Please call ahead to attend by contacting the Section Chair or the Section Secretary.

Note: Available on request for section members only are minutes of section executive meetings (contact the Secretary) and section operating budget information (contact the Treasurer).

14. Recertification

Is Your Recertification Due?

Look at your wallet card to see when your present certification is due to expire. If it says December 31, 2015 you should contact ASQ by phone at 1-800-248-1946 and explain your situation to them because your certification has lapsed and you are no longer certified.

If your wallet card states June 2016 you have until December 31, 2016 to get your journal to me. Why so long? Because you have an expiration date of June 20, 2016 plus or minus six months. To assist you with documenting your Recertification Units (RU) please use the Electronic Recertification Journal, or a paper equivalent, to document your claims. Please also complete the "Documentation Required" log for each section of point that you are claiming and attach all of the relevant evidence thereto. Journals with just the "ASQ Recertification Journal Application" page completed and nothing else will not be accepted.

Maybe you’ve decided not to recertify because (a) you are unemployed, (b) no longer in the quality field or perhaps, (c ) your employer no longer will pay for it? Think about this, your certification belongs to you and no one else. Your name is on it and no one else’s. It is portable and you can bring the recognition to your next company. Remember how hard you had to study for it? If you let it lapse you must rewrite the exam. Do you know where you will be employed in a year or so? Well congratulations if you do because most of us don’t and it could come in handy then, it sure won’t hinder you to retain it. The cost at $69 USD to renew one certification is much less than it would be to rewrite. If you are unemployed then contact ASQ directly at 1-800-248-1946. Ask for “Recertification” then explain your unemployment situation to them. You may be able to have your due date extended. But at $69.00 that is not really that much if it will help land your next job?

If you are a member of Section 0401, Montreal then contact me (Norman) at to find out where to send your journal. If you are NOT a member of section 401 then contact ASQ directly at 1-800-248-1946.

Please DO NOT EMAIL your journal to me. Use Canada Post or equivalent.

15. Unemployed Member Dues

Unemployed ASQ members receive a discount on their membership dues based on consecutive years of membership.

Consecutive Years of Membership Dues Discount
1-4 50%
5 or more 100%

Eligibility Criteria

  • You must be a Full, Senior, or Fellow member.
  • Any years as a Forum, Associate, or enrolled student do not qualify.
  • You may submit this application only after being unemployed for at least 90 days.
  • You must be actively seeking employment.
  • Retired or self-employed members are not eligible. ASQ offers a similar benefit for retired members.


  • Your basic membership dues for the current membership year will be paid or partially paid by ASQ. Basic membership dues exclude
    additional Forums and Divisions, journals, and additional Sections (Seniors and Fellows—you keep your extra benefit of choice).
  • You may participate in the program for no more than two years in your membership lifetime. You must complete an application for the second
    year of participation.
  • After renewing your membership, please visit Careers in Quality to search for jobs, apply for positions online, and post your resume for employers to view.

NOTE: The following links require that you be logged into your account before you try to activate them.

Download the ASQ Unemployment Program Application PDF (105 KB)

NOTE: The information related to this benefit was correct at the time this Newsletter was issued.  But as the ASQ has the right to revise its benefits, please contact the ASQ for the latest information on this benefit.  It may be revised or discontinued at any time.

16. Feedback

Please send us your comments about the ASQ Montreal Section 0401 E-Newsletter (topics, layout, length, etc.).  Do you want to contribute an article (English or French) or a good idea?  Contact us by e-mail.

Advertising Rates (per ad)


 ASQ Member



First Ad



Regular size



Small size



10% discount  for 2 to 7 issues
25% discount for 8 issues (full year) 

Contact Michael Bournazian for more information

Pass it on

We invite you to forward this Newsletter to friends and colleagues who may be interested.

The ASQ Montreal Section 0401 Newsletter is prepared by and published for its members.
Section web site:
Newsletter Editor: Michael Bournazian, Eng.
The opinions expressed in the Newsletter are those of the authors, not those of ASQ. Articles may be reproduced if the source is stated
If you are an ASQ Montreal Section member and wish to receive this Newsletter by e-mail, please go to and revise your profile to add mailings from your section.

How to Opt Out.

This e-mail is being sent in the course of normal Montreal Section  business to the e-mail address of record. We are not responsible for forwarded e-mails. If you no longer wish to receive e-mail communications from the Montreal Section (your section) of ASQ, please visit your ASQ account to unsubscribe or reply to this message, indicating Opt Out in the e-mail body and in the title.

Keep in mind that by doing this you will no longer receive ANY correspondence from your section. If you are concerned about too many emails, ASQ has suggested limitations about how many e-mails may be sent to the section members each month. This does not extend to career notifications.