Section 0401

October 2018 (Volume 68 - Issue 8)

Our objective: To increase awareness, interest, and involvement in Section activities and
quality-related subjects.  Visit our web site at

1 - Next Event

7 - Voice Of The Customer 

13 - Section Education Program 

2 - Ad / Publicité

8 - Proposed Slate of Officers

14 - Executive Committee Meetings & Officers

3 - Upcoming ASQ Section 401 Events

9 - Welcome to our New Members

15 - Unemployed Member Dues

4 - The Editor's Corner

10 - Organization Members

16 - Feedback/Advertising Rates

5 - A Word from Your Section Chair

11 - Other ASQ Events

6 - Had You Come to the Last Event

12 - ASQ News

1. Next Event


Wednesday, October 24, 2018


6:00 PM


Sheraton Montreal Airport Hotel

555 McMillan Avenue
Dorval, Quebec
H9P 1B7

ASQ Montreal Section 401 General Assembly
(18h00 to 18h30)

Agenda Items
1) Call to Order
2) Adoption of Agenda
3) Adoption of Previous Minutes
4) Section Chair Report
5) Section Treasurer's Report
6) Program Chair Report
7) Membership Chair Report
8) Election of Officers
9) Recognitions
10) Adjournment

The General Assembly will be followed by dinner (18h30 -19h15) and then this month's presentation:

Deborah Esplin
Food Safety/Quality Consultant & Auditor


Please join us on October 24th, 2018 for our annual General Assembly, followed by our guest speaker present the topic of HACCP: PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE.

2. Ad / Publicité


HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) is a preventive, risk-based methodology for developing, implementing and maintaining a food safety plan. From it’s beginnings in the 1950s in the USA to world-wide acceptance of this methodology, which is now the core of food safety plans around the world, HACCP is an interesting approach to managing and controlling risks. A methodology that is applicable not only to food but other processes and other risks.

The presentation will look at:

-How HACCP began;
-How it evolved and become the core methodology of all food-plants around the world;
-Examples of HACCP plans: seeing the methodology in action;
-Where may it go.


Deborah Esplin is a Certified HACCP Auditor with fourteen years experience in food production. For thirteen years, she worked in nut and granola processing, snack and trail mixes, dry ingredients, wheat-based and gluten-free bakery products, packing of drink mix, natural products and pharmaceutical powders and pills, having developed or managed eight HACCP plans and reviewed many supplier plans.

For the last year and a half, she moved to self employment. As a consultant and auditor, she has improved or reviewed about fifty HACCP plans across many processes including meat, dairy, egg, fish, sauces & condiments, grain products, vegetables, prepared meals, food packaging material storage and distribution, tanker washing, bakery products, ingredient manufacturing and juices.

During her time in quality assurance, she worked on equipment validations, developing food safety and quality programs, training employees and achieving certification for organic products, HACCP, Good Manufacturing Practices, BRC (British Retail Consortium Food Safety Standard), and some private standards. As an auditor and consultant, she has also been involved in audits for SQF (Safe Quality Food Safety Code) Good Distribution Practices and a number of private standards.

Deborah has a B.A. (McGill) and M.Sc. (Université de Montréal) and is in the final stages of a Food Science Certificate with the University of Guelph, having already completed several courses in chemistry, microbiology and food processing. Presently she is a contract GFSI auditor with SAI Global carrying out SQF and many other 1st and 2nd party audits, and self-employed consultant.


ASQ Members: FREE
Non-members: $50

NOTE: For ASQ student members wanting to get to the Sheraton Hotel, you can easily take the STM Express City Bus 747 which will drop you off at the Pierre Elliott Trudeau airport. After which, you may take the Sheraton's free shuttle to get to the hotel. After the meeting, an ASQ member will often be available to drop off a student at a nearby bus or metro station.

IMPORTANT: Attendance will be limited to 40 people.


Bring your business cards and be ready to network

To register for any event or for more information on events please contact:

Dr. David Tozer


3. Upcoming ASQ Section 401 Events

November 28, 2018: Oversight of Self-regulating Professions.

Gabriel Ahmarani
Ahmarani Management Advisory Services

January 30, 2019: The ISO Transition to ISO 9001:2015 - What Impact Has It Had? with panelists from 3 Registrars:

Jim Moran, MA Ed. representing BSI Canada

Sabrina Ippolito representing SGS

Tim Ryan representing SAI Global


To register for any event or for more information on events please contact:
Dr. David Tozer


4. The Editor's Corner

Michael Bournazian, Eng., Newsletter Editor, ASQ Senior Member, CSSGB

In all the time I have been Newsletter Editor for this ASQ Section, I find that there is one topic that tends to come up regularly that I write about:


Going back a few months, I decided that I wanted to buy myself a new car.  I have been fortunate enough in my driving lifetime to change cars every 6-8 years. I have been loyal to Toyota and especially loyal to the Corolla. So after some visits to the nearest dealerships and some haggling and bargaining, I settled upon buying my new 2019 Toyota Corolla XLE from Toyota Ile Perrot.  I was my first time buying from them . . . and it will be THE LAST.

Here is a timeline of how this dealership destroyed any and all chances of achieving customer satisfaction with me from now until the universe dies:

Saturday, September 29, 2018: I sign my agreement with the dealership to purchase the vehicle and give a deposit of $500. I then meet with a Financing Manager who, after trying to sell me every unnecessary piece of coverge known to man, asks me "When would you like to pick up your car? Tuesday? Wednesday?" That would mean October 2nd or 3rd. I told him that it would actually be most convenient for me to come on Friday, October 5th, to which he agrees. So far, I am satisfied.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018: I call the dealership because I would like to get the VIN number for the car, since I need to provide it to my insurance company.  I am told that they still did not have my car in: this was the first sign to me that something was not right, especially considering that I was initially told that I could have the car on this day (October 3rd). The Manager assures me that the car will be in and that he will call once it is to give me the VIN number.

Friday, October 5, 2018:
I call the dealership in the morning to get a status.  I end up leaving a message to the Manager, expressing my (here it comes) dissatifaction at the fact that it was Friday and I had not yet heard anything back from them about the status of my car. Around 11:00am, after getting out of a meeting, I see I have a voicemail from the dealership. The message states that they have not yet "found" my car. Yes, that car, the one I was promised even earlier than October 5th. Consider as well that for all previous new vehicle purchases I had made, I was in possession of the car no more than 72 hours after signing an agreement. I decided not to call back right away, since I had a busy afternoon and I also felt like I might blow up at the Manager. I decided to let cooler heads prevail.

Saturday, October 6, 2018: I decided to call the salesman this morning, the one who actually dealt with me and sold me the car. When he gets on the phone and I tell him I still do not have my car, he is surprised. "Why are you surprised? Are you not supposed to follow the sale all the way to the end?" I mildly yelled at him. He then tells me that he will find out the status of my car and call me be back in 10 minutes. He calls me back 50 minutes later, only to say that my car will be ready next week.  When I ask how he is sure of this, he only restates that my car will be ready next week. I admit that at this point I lost my cool, yet rightfully so, telling him "You really are not good at your job, you know". I continued to berate him for about 5 minutes over the lack of customer service and satisfaction I was experiencing. "Yes, I understand" was all he could say. Like the old saying goes though: actions speak louder than words.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018: After a few days of trying to calm down, I call and speak with the Manager again.  He tells me that they may have a car for me available in Quebec City, but they will only know for sure if it's available later in the day. Later in the day comes along, and I speak with the Manager again, who informs me that the car in Quebec City is no longer available.  When I ask when one would be available, he tells me the best scenario was middle to end of November. At that point, I tell him in no uncertain terms that I am cancelling the sale, and that I will come to retrieve my deposit of $500. He says he understands and that he is sorry: again, words and no action.

Notice how quickly and easily this usually happy scenario of buying a new car got turned into a stressful and frustrating exercise.

Notice as well how often I was having to seek out the information, instead of the dealership (aka the supplier) providing it to me.

At time of writing, I still plan on purchasing a 2019 Toyota Corolla XLE.

Just not from Toyota Ile Perrot.  And neither should you.


Any feedback?  Click on the link in the bottom right corner of this section and let me know.  Thanks.

5. A Word from your Section Chair

By Robert Demers, ASQ Senior Member, CQA & CSSGB

Full time or contract?

Nearly full employment in the States. Unemployment at its lowest since 1969. Québec’s rate was at 5.3% last May.

Manpower shortage, what does that really mean?

We all know that good employees are hard to get by. Why? Shortage is one reason but the main reason people move on is that they are still treated with a lack of respect in their present job. The "Y" generation has decided that "If it I ain’t good with this one, I’ll be good elsewhere". Thanks to the shortage, they can chose.

My grandfather used to say "Si ça fait pas icitte, ça va faire ailleurs, mon nom c’est Joe Meilleur". I guess my grandfather was a "Y" in the forties.

You would think that employers would do much more to keep their employees. If you bother to choose (or select when you have a choice), you have to do it with care, with selection criteria that matches the job position; select someone with the best aptitudes to fill the position and train for the gaps.

As an auditor, I cannot count the number of times where employers do not have job descriptions (or outdated ones) or even decent selection criteria. You are so happy to have a CV that you interview and you dismiss the same week.

Where has training gone? I remember a time when employers would sit you down for a week and have you read the Drafting Room Manual (DRM). Now I see places that don’t have a clue what I am talking about when I say "Training Matrix".

One of the questions I ask in an audit is: Do you have a CV in the employee’s file? Although sometimes they say no, when I have one I ask: What were the criteria this CV compared to? Many times they have no job description. Although often they say: The President interviewed him and he gave his OK. Then I ask: Do you keep interview notes? Guess what the answer is? And why is the President better than the HR personnel?

How can you hire someone on the flip of a coin and expect this person to perform on the night shift, where they often need them. Where has the training gone?

Sometimes I feel we should all be contract; no more full time employees with security and advantages. Give us the money instead and let us be the judge of what we should learn or not.

Feel uncomfortable with this last statement or plainly agree. Give me your thoughts by email at the address below.

408 words

Give me your feedback by e-mail

6. Had You Come to the Last Event

By Eric Hosking, Senior Consultant to Shainin, CQE, CSSBB and CQA

Had you come . . . Innovating Internet of Things

We were privileged to have not one but two speakers address the subject of the Internet of Things, IoT, and Design Thinking in our first combined Talk/Workshop in quite sometime. In addition we welcomed members of IoT Montreal to our event.

Walter Knitl, a principal in Praxiem, described the state of the art in IoT structure and the future that IoT will bring. This was an eye opener to many, even to those who already thought they knew what the IoT was.

His engrossing talk was followed by a workshop directed by Nilufer Erdebil, CEO of SpringInnovation. She did a recap of Design Thinking and then she directed the table teams to address a product design/development challenge with Iot implications. Teams had to present their approaches at the end of the session. Some interesting ideas emerged despite the time constraints of the exercise.

The event was well attended and well appreciated. We are grateful to our speakers, who made a trip from Ottawa to share their knowledge with us.

The talk/workshop format allowed us to issue receipts according 0.5 RU for both elements, the talk and the workshop.

7. Voice Of The Customer

By Eric Hosking, Senior Consultant to Shainin, CQE, CSSBB and CQA

A meeting hosted by ASQ HQ for the VOC chairs was attended this period. At this meeting the ASQ HQ transformation was discussed, and we learned that the VOC coordinator role at HQ will not exist going forward. The implication is that HQ will not lead the VOC chairs forum.

There are two possible futures:

1) No more sharing between VOC's, which attendees to this call were not in favour of.

2) A VOC chair takes the lead and invests the time to coordinate the calls.

Needless to say no one jumped forward to assume the additional responsibility for the moment. A member of the newly constituted Section Affairs Council (SAC) was on the line and has noted the preference of the attendees for continuing HQ support. So now we wait to see what happens.

Locally we held our first talk/workshop meeting in several years as the first event of the new event season. The benefit of the format is that we were able to double the RU's we accord for an event. The event was advertised to IoT Montreal and their members were encouraged to come. It was also advertised to Women in Communications and Technology. So we had more than just ASQ members attend. The event was held at the Thanjai Restaurant where we were treated to an Indian buffet. The buffet service allowed us to move the meeting faster, an imperative in a talk/workshop format. Attendees were generally very pleased. The feedback was 94%, 4 or 5 on 5, overall for the event and 100% for the speakers. 

Give me your feedback by e-mail

8. Proposed Slate of Officers (January - December 2019)

By Raymond E. Dyer, ASQ Senior Member, CMQ/OE, CQA, Nominating Chair, Historian and Internet Liaison

In accordance with Sections 4.5 and 4.6 of the Section Maintenance Policy and Procedure S 02.00, the ASQ Montreal Section Nominating Committee comprising of Jean Pierre Amiel, Sam Weissfelner, Rajesh Tyagi, and Raymond E. Dyer (Nominating Committee Chair), proposes the following Slate of Officers for January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019:

Chair: Eric Glenn Hosking

Vice-Chair: Chantale Simard

Secretary: Flor Marlene Diaz

Treasurer: Robert Fairbairn

To nominate a different slate of officers or obtain further information, please contact Raymond E. Dyer at Alternate nominations for Section officer positions can be made by petition of at least 10 members of the Section (see ASQ Montreal Section nomination petition form). Please note that, to hold a Section Officer position, one must be a Full, Senior, or Fellow ASQ member in good standing affiliated with the section.

The General Assembly will be held on October 24, 2018.

For a listing of current ASQ Montreal Section 0401 positions, see For more information on the ASQ position themselves, see

If you are interested in participating on the upcoming Section Leadership Team or have any questions on the roles themselves, please contact Section Chair Robert Demers at or myself at

Thank you and welcome back from summer vacations!


9. Welcome to our New Members

Eickel Carreno
Amin Chaabane
Nhaira Khalid
Lucelys Visbal
Brad Witchell
Maria Yordanova


10. Organziation Members

ASQ Montreal Section thanks our Organization Members:

Jon U. Schafer - PACCAR

11. Other ASQ Events

ASQ Montreal Francophone Section 404 (Thursday, October 25, 2018)

The ASQ Montreal Francophone section will be holding its Annual General Assembly meeting on October 25, 2018 at Elio Pizzeria in Montreal, Quebec.

Visit the section's website for the latest information (CLICK HERE).

12. ASQ News

The Importance of Friday Fast Facts
Why is Friday Fast Facts so important for member leaders? In this video, Jim Rooney, former ASQ chair, explains the content found in Friday Fast Facts and why every member leader should be reading it.
Watch the video . . .

SAC Transformation Updatespan>
ASQ regional directors (RDs) have been hard at work presenting information on the transformation of the Section Affairs Council (SAC) to all sections. To assist them and provide you with the presentation should you wish to view it again, the SAC-Geographic Communities Council (GCC) Transformation Update will be available to all member leaders. If you have any questions after viewing the presentation, please direct them to your current RD. You must be logged in to myASQ to access the presentation.
View the presentation . . .

Member Gift Preview
The October member gift will focus on innovation and disruption. There will be resources to help you strategically plan for and apply innovation methodologies in the face of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, robotics, virtual reality, 3-D printing, and blockchain. The gift contains four webcasts and a free e-book.
Read the preview . . .

Juran Medal Committee Chair
Applications are being accepted from qualified member leaders for the chair position on the prestigious Juran Medal committee. The Juran Medal is presented to the individual who exhibits distinguished performance in a sustained role as an organization leader, personally practicing the key principles of quality and demonstrating breakthrough management. Past winners of the Juran award include the former GE CEO Jack Welch, Toyota founder Akio Toyoda, and former Boeing executive James McNerney.
Learn more . . .

13. ASQ Montreal Section Education Program 2018

By Dr. David Tozer, Ph.D., ASQ CQE and SSBB, Education & Audit Chair

Having ASQ certification gives you an edge in the market and can significantly increase your income.

ASQ Certification often leads to higher paying employment.  The money invested in education and certification increases chances of finding employment quickly in the down sizing environment we live in.  People who take the section sponsored refresher courses, and spend at least twice as much time as spent in the classroom on self study, have an 80%, or better, chance of passing the examination on the first attempt.

Certified Quality Engineer Topics include: quality concepts, cost of quality, human resources, team formation and group dynamics, inspection, metrology, sampling, reliability, quality standards, quality audit, statistics, design of experiments, process improvement, liability, and modern management methods for improving quality.

Certified Six Sigma Black Belt Topics include: quality concepts, cost of quality, enterprise wide deployment, business process management, project management, team formation and group dynamics, define, measure, analyze, improve, control, lean enterprise, statistics, design of experiments, and design for six sigma.

Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Topics include: quality concepts, cost of quality, enterprise wide deployment, business process management, project management, team formation and group dynamics, define, measure, analyze, improve, control, and statistics.

Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence Topics include: quality concepts, quality planning, customer focus, quality standards, project management, cost of quality, team formation and group dynamics, human resources and improvement.

Certified Quality Auditor Topics include: quality concepts, team formation and group dynamics, management responsibility, audit objectives, audit preparation, audit conduct, audit reporting, sampling, and basic statistics.

Certified Quality Inspector Topics include: quality concepts, team formation and group dynamics, geometry, metrology, reading drawings, mechanical processes, statistical process control, inspection, and sampling.

Calendar and Registration Form

Questions? In house courses, etc.: Dr. David Tozer:  (514) 694-2830,

14. Executive Committee Meetings & Officers

Section Executive Committee (Leadership Team) Meetings are held at different locations, starting at 6 PM. The next regular meeting is tentatively scheduled for:

November 7, 2018

Consult the List of Your Executive for 2018 here

Note that all dates planned are subject to change.  Please call ahead to attend by contacting the Section Chair or the Section Secretary.

Note: Available on request for section members only are minutes of section executive meetings (contact the Secretary) and section operating budget information (contact the Treasurer).

15. Unemployed Members Dues

Unemployed ASQ members receive a discount on their membership dues based on consecutive years of membership.

Consecutive Years of Membership Dues Discount
1-4 50%
5 or more 100%

Eligibility Criteria

  • You must be a Full, Senior, or Fellow member.
  • Any years as a Forum, Associate, or enrolled student do not qualify.
  • You may submit this application only after being unemployed for at least 90 days.
  • You must be actively seeking employment.
  • Retired or self-employed members are not eligible. ASQ offers a similar benefit for retired members.


  • Your basic membership dues for the current membership year will be paid or partially paid by ASQ. Basic membership dues exclude
    additional Forums and Divisions, journals, and additional Sections (Seniors and Fellows—you keep your extra benefit of choice).
  • You may participate in the program for no more than two years in your membership lifetime. You must complete an application for the second
    year of participation.
  • After renewing your membership, please visit Careers in Quality to search for jobs, apply for positions online, and post your resume for employers to view.

NOTE: The following links require that you be logged into your account before you try to activate them.

Download the ASQ Unemployment Program Application PDF (105 KB)

NOTE: The information related to this benefit was correct at the time this Newsletter was issued.  But as the ASQ has the right to revise its benefits, please contact the ASQ for the latest information on this benefit.  It may be revised or discontinued at any time.

16. Feedback

Please send us your comments about the ASQ Montreal Section 0401 E-Newsletter (topics, layout, length, etc.).  Do you want to contribute an article (English or French) or a good idea?  Contact us by e-mail.

Advertising Rates (per ad)


 ASQ Member



First Ad



Regular size



Small size



10% discount  for 2 to 7 issues
25% discount for 8 issues (full year) 

Contact Michael Bournazian for more information

Pass it on

We invite you to forward this Newsletter to friends and colleagues who may be interested.

The ASQ Montreal Section 0401 Newsletter is prepared by and published for its members.
Section web site:
Newsletter Editor: Michael Bournazian, Eng.
The opinions expressed in the Newsletter are those of the authors, not those of ASQ. Articles may be reproduced if the source is stated
If you are an ASQ Montreal Section member and wish to receive this Newsletter by e-mail, please go to and revise your profile to add mailings from your section.

How to Opt Out.

This e-mail is being sent in the course of normal Montreal Section  business to the e-mail address of record. We are not responsible for forwarded e-mails. If you no longer wish to receive e-mail communications from the Montreal Section (your section) of ASQ, please visit your ASQ account to unsubscribe or reply to this message, indicating Opt Out in the e-mail body and in the title.

Keep in mind that by doing this you will no longer receive ANY correspondence from your section. If you are concerned about too many emails, ASQ has suggested limitations about how many e-mails may be sent to the section members each month. This does not extend to career notifications.