0401 |
2019 (Volume
69 - Issue 7) |
Our objective: To increase awareness, interest, and involvement in section
activities and quality-related subjects. Visit
our LinkedIn group
at |
Date Wednesday, September 25, 2019 Time 7:00 PM Place CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY 1515 Ste. Catherine Street WestMontreal, Quebec H3G 1M8 (MAP) THE STATE OF ORGANIZATIONAL EXCELLENCE ACROSS THE WORLD VERONICA MARQUEZ M.Sc., CSSBB ASQ Senior Member Student Outreach Committee Chair **************************************
join us on September 25th, 2019 to watch our guest speaker deliver the
topic of the State
Organizational Excellence Across the World.
If you
would like
to advertise here, please consult our advertising rates in
17 below, and contact Michael Bournazian or any other
member of the ASQ 401 Leadership Team.
presentation in Montreal, we will discuss the results of the study,
learn about the different principles and the key management areas that
are key to create a culture of excellence, and engage in conversation
to stimulate Organizational Excellence in our companies. After beginning her career in a variety of roles, such as accounting, marketing, customer service and account management, Veronica Marquez discovered her passion while working in distribution and warehousing roles within the supply chain. Through that experience, and the expertise developed through her Lean Six Sigma Black Belt ASQ Certification, she has developed a holistic view of the organization which is key to her approach of creating a community of practice to understand, address, create and optimize processes to reach new heights.
After working in industry for 25 years and inspired by the philosophers and their development of knowledge that is the foundation of human awareness, she created Aristeío - from the Greek word meaning excellence - Consulting Group Inc. to offer personalised consulting services in supply chain optimization.
She holds a Bachelor’s degree
from Concordia
University, a certificate in Innovation Management and a M. Sc. in
Operations Management from HEC Montréal. A senior member of
she is also involved with the leadership committee of the Montreal
section and is the Chair of the Student Outreach Committee. *****************************************
This is a FREE event Dinner and drinks not included You can get to the Concordia University EV Building by taking the green line of the metro, and getting off at the Guy Concordia station.
your business cards and be ready to
3. Upcoming ASQ Section
401 Events
30, 2019: ASQ General
Assembly and presentation "Cannabis Quality
Assurance: at the Crossroads of Plant, Pharmaceutical and Food Sciences"
Marie-Eve Carrier Director Quality and Regulatory Consulting with PipeDreemz Inc. Cannabis Pharmaceuticals EU-GMP Internal Auditor Teacher at College Gerald-Godin in Montreal ABOUT
Cannabis was first authorized for commercial production in Canada in 2013. Since then, we have seen three different regulations in place, the latest one legalizing cannabis all across Canada. Our country is the first country of the G7 to legalize cannabis and is developing unique industry expertise into this field. Products authorized for sale currently via specific license include cannabis seeds, plants, fresh cannabis, dried cannabis and cannabis oil. During the presentation in Montreal, we will discuss the Canadian cannabis regulations evolution and challenges specific to the cannabis industry to meet product quality requirements. ABOUT THE SPEAKER After working in basic research, Marie-Eve Carrier was involved in the early development of a cannabis company from 2014 while working in clinical research CROs present in the greater Montreal area. She became a Health Canada recognized QA Person in September 2017, and the company she contributed to was awarded a production licence on December 2017. In August 2018, she joined the company PipeDreemz Inc. as Director of Quality and Regulatory Consulting. PipeDreemz Inc. holds the greatest number of completed applications that have been accepted by Health Canada. The company activities span from facility design, QA management system preparation, construction coaching, regulatory and company start-up support. Marie-Eve’s presence into the cannabis field comes from her long-time passion for gardening merged with her scientific and professional knowledge. She was trained on cannabis production by cannabis production specialists. She holds a B.Sc. in Microbiology and an M. Sc. in Cell Biology. She is a member of the C-45 Quality Association, serving as a national private-sector advocate for quality in the Canadian Cannabis sector. Marie-Eve is also involved in cannabis training development in Quebec in collaboration with Gerald-Godin College in Montreal. REGISTER
4. The Editor's CornerBy Michael Bournazian, Eng., Newsletter Editor, ASQ Senior Member, CSSGB On Saturday, September 7th, 2019, I witnessed something very special happen. Bianca Andreescu defeated American Serena Williams to become the first Canadian to ever win a Grand Slam tennis singles title. This has become a big deal in Canada, and deservedly so: watching the young (19!!) Canadian dominate the match against the formidable Williams was a sight to see. What I particularly took notice of, though, was something that she repeated on numerous occasions after her victory. During the post-game interviews (both on the court and in the reporters' lounge), as well as on network TV shows in the days that followed, she made sure to mention that she could not have done it without the team that she had supporting her. That includes her coach, trainers, therapists, handlers, etc. And last, but certainly not least, her parents who stuck by her and helped her achieve her dreams. The key word in the previous paragraph is TEAM. There is very little that happens in one's life simply through the actions of the single individual. More often than not, we achieve goals, targets, milestones, etc. because of the complex interactions we have on a daily basis with other human beings, who themselves are also trying to achieve their own goals, targets, milestones, etc. It may be a daunting way of looking at it, yet we know that when everything falls into place, the satisfaction of the achievement can be very grand. On a daily basis, as Quality professionals, we are constantly trying to achieve goals, targets, milestones, etc., usually for our companies and customers. Reduce scrap, improve on-time delivery, decrease cost, lower turnaround time, complete audits, improve supplier rejection rates, and on and on and on . . . until the day ends and we can rest for awhile . . . and then try it all again the next day. Remember that it almost always requires a team effort. And remember to regularly thank the members of the team for their efforts. *******************************************************
Any feedback? Click on the link in the bottom right corner of this section and let me know. Thanks. |
A Word
your Section Chair
Eric Hosking, Senior Consultant to Shainin, CQE, CSSBB and CQA We in the leadership team are coming off our customary summer break. For those that stayed in town, the summer here in the Montreal area has been exceptional. I hope that your summer, where ever you chose to spend it, was profitable and relaxing. We closed the spring season with a networking night at the La Goelette Plus restaurant, with mini-seminars lead by six of our senior members. The event was a Section 401 and Section 404 collaboration. In my view it went well but you don't have to take my word for it. Two of our attending members attest to the strength on the event in our "Had You Come To The Last Event" section below. Chantale put this event together. Thanks Chantale! The move to La Goelette was prompted by our last event at the Novotel where we were treated to a unilateral room reassignment that did not meet our needs well. Discussions with the Novotel made it clear that they were not interested in future business on terms that we could accept. It is with some surprise that we find that the Goelette is now closed permanently. It was our intended venue for our September speaker event. Our team is working hard on Plan A and Plan B to secure a venue for our upcoming speaker event. You will see the final venue location announced in this newsletter. Although we were officially off for the summer, the Student Outreach Committee, lead by Veronica and Farnoosh, has been busy putting together another student oriented event, described below, that will also take place in September. Kudos to the team! Since our September speaker is Veronica, you can imagine how busy she has been this summer. Special kudos to her! I also need to shout out to Raymond Dyer who looks after our web presence. He has orchestrated the move to a new internet host. Why? You may have noticed that the web site was down periodically. Periodically became too frequently and we were forced to move to a new provider. The problem was made worse by the original provider's refusal to explain or even answer the requests to correct the situation. Ray has had to do some debugging of functionality, but the new provider is responsive so very few issues remain. This will be put to the test when we issue this newsletter this month. By the way, we do not poll the site on a daily basis so collectively you have a better chance of seeing service drop outs than the leadership team does. Please do not hesitate to notify us if you think something is wrong. ASQ HQ is facing a tax crisis. CRA has determined that they should have been collecting and remitting taxes on sales in Canada. You will notice the addition of GST to your membership renewal bill for example. For the moment, even the sections are no longer considered non-profit entities. This will result in us having to collect sales taxes on services we render. Notionally this is to start in the new year. We are looking at how we can operate in a way that this poses the least inconvenience to members/customers who come to events or use other services we provide. ASQ HQ has petitioned CRA to recognize the sections as non-profit. We cross our fingers that this petition will succeed but we plan for the worst. In closing I would like to touch on the subject of our strategic direction. Last newsletter I mentioned that we were simplifying our business plan. We spent the summer continuing to develop a four element plan, that, in addition to our on-going series of speaker events, and newsletters would enhance how we serve the members of our section and the Montreal quality community in general. One of the cornerstones is the Student Outreach committee agenda and it is functioning well. Three other initiatives we want to pursue include increasing our presence at trade shows and public forums, collaborating with other professional associations and targeting select industries for focussed collaboration. Again it is too early to declare the details but I will keep you informed as we flesh out the plans. The very last word is that the fall sees the selection of new leadership team members. A number of retirements have occurred or will occur. If this is of interest to you now is the time to get involved. Rajesh outlines how to do this below. |
You Come
to the
Last Event
Raymond E. Dyer, ASQ Senior Member, CMQ/OE, CQA, Historian and Internet
Had you come . . . ASQ 401 and 404 networking Event For
this "Had You Come to the Last Event" article, we will present two
perspectives: one from student member Mauricio Figueroa
and one from Senior Member Gabriel
Given the diversity of activities at the last networking event, we thought it appropriate to get input from a couple of members. We thank them both for participating. Maurico Figueroa - Membre ASQ Étudiant, Étudiant en Génie des Opérations et de la Logistique C’était la première fois que j’allais à la soirée de réseautage des sections 401 et 404 de l’ASQ. L’événement s’est déroulé en trois temps. D’abord la partie d’introduction et de bavardages entre les membres, ensuite la première série de discussion suivit de la deuxième série de discussion et enfin le mot de la fin. Étant donné que c’était ma première participation et que je ne connaissais personne, j’appréhendais, en général c’est toujours un peu inconfortable, car on ne sait jamais vraiment à qui parler. Heureusement dès le début, l’organisatrice a su me présenter des membres de la section avec qui j’ai pu commencer à échanger. J’ai senti l’ambiance décontractée et les personnes très ouvertes. Peu de temps après mon arrivée, le buffet a été servi et nous nous sommes assis pour manger. Ce fut l’occasion de connaitre les membres autour de la table où je m’étais assis. Et j’ai pu constater qu’il y avait une grande diversité culturelle, quasiment tous les continents étaient représentés (Amérique du Nord, Amérique latine, Europe, Afrique, Asie). Nous avons même parlé un peu de géopolitique. Après le repas, ce fut le temps de la première série de discussions que je nommerais " table ronde" , car tous les membres à la table ont pu participer, et apporter leurs points de vue et leur expérience, enrichissant ainsi la conversation. Les trois premières thématiques étaient: Les audits externes, critical thinking with measurements et Big Data et Six-sigma, challenges and opportunities. Lors de la deuxième ronde de discussion, les thématiques étaient: Excellence organisationnelle, l’évolution des rôles des professionnels en qualité et l’impact des facteurs de l’industrie 4.0 et problem solving and root cause analysis. J’aurais voulu pouvoir participer aux six conversations, malheureusement, je n’ai pas le pouvoir de me dupliquer. Toutefois, à la fin des périodes de discussion chaque table ronde a fait un petit résumé pour les membres des autres tables. Mais voilà que la soirée se terminait et le temps était venu de conclure. Les organisateurs nous ont souhaité un très bon été. Effectivement, cet événement était le dernier de la saison. Mais heureusement, nous allons nous revoir en automne. J’ai vraiment hâte d’y être. Bon été à tous. Gabriel Ahmarani - ASQ Senior Member, Ahmarani Management Advisory Services
• An ASQ
401 networking event
with six discussion panels was held
on June 19th, at La Goelette. • A networking opportunity - Twenty-two quality practitioners were present, many in senior and leadership positions. These came from diverse industries including pharmaceutical, aerospace, manufacturing, and construction. Nesrine and Mauricio were the two new members with newly minted degrees in quality and in pharmaceuticals. Experts and leaders, all. An opportunity to expand your professional network in an informal, casual and friendly setting. • A place for leaders! - The leadership team was active in organizing the event, interacting with members, and in offering opportunities for leadership development. • Expert-led discussion panels - Subject-matter experts conducted discussion panels, including: o External Audits with Annie van Otterdijk; o Critical Thinking with Measurements with Dr. David Tozer; o Big Data and Six-Sigma: Challenges and Opportunities with Dr. Rajesh Tyagi; o Organizational Excellence with Veronica Marquez; o The Evolution of the Roles of Quality Professionals and the Impact of Industry Factors 4.0 with Raymond Dyer; o Problem Solving and Root Cause Analysis with Eric Hosking • Participative and interactive approach to learning - Discussion leaders made an initial short Powerpoint presentation of about five minutes, followed by a panel discussion, and a summary of the discussion to the assembly. I chose to sit with Dr. David Tozer and Raymond Dyer’s panels, but regretted that I could not have participated in all six panels. • FREE event - The event, including dinner, was absolutely FREE. Any such dinner-conference with such a panel of experts would have easily cost hundreds of dollars. What a bargain! • My takeaway - These events have become a regular meeting place where I’m able to break from my professional isolation in the workplace (the quality practitioner is often a solitary role), meet with like-minded professionals, leaders and experts in an informal and casual environment, and deepen my understanding through their experiences. At this last meeting, during three pleasant hours and at no cost, I made some new acquaintances; developed deeper insights into new topics; was elevated to be a spokesman for my panel; and was approached with at least one leadership opportunity. Thank you ASQ 401 and 404! |
7. Voice Of The
By Pierre-Luc
Avoine, Eng., ASQ Senior Member, CSSGB, VoC Chair
me your feedback by e-mail
8. Repeat Call for
Officer Nominations and Proposed Slate of Officers (January - December
By Rajesh
Kumar Tyagi, ASQ Fellow, Nominating Chair
accordance with Sections 4.5 and 4.6 of the Section Maintenance Policy
and Procedure S 02.00, the ASQ Montreal Section Nominating Committee
comprising of J.P. Amiel, Sam Weissfelner, and Rajesh Tyagi
(Nominating Committee Chair),
proposes the following Slate of Officers
for January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020:
Chair: Eric Glenn Hosking Vice-Chair: Chantale Simard Secretary: Raymond E. Dyer Treasurer:
Robert Fairbairn To
nominate a different slate of officers or obtain further information,
please contact Rajesh K. Tyagi at
Alternate nominations for Section officer positions can be made by
petition of at least 10 members of the Section (see ASQ Montreal Section nomination
petition form). Please note
that, to hold a Section Officer position, one must be a Full, Senior,
or Fellow ASQ member in good standing affiliated with the section.
The proposed slate of officers will be repeated in the October newsletter and the General Assembly will be held on October 30, 2019. For a listing of current ASQ Montreal Section 0401 positions, see For more information on the ASQ position themselves, see If you are interested in participating on the upcoming Section Leadership Team or have any questions on the roles themselves, please contact Section Chair Eric Hosking at or myself at Thank
you and welcome back from summer vacations!
9. Student Outreach
By Veronica
Marquez, M.Sc., CSSBB, ASQ Senior Member, Student Outreach Committee
summer is coming to a close and it’s a return to
school, work, and regular activities. By that doesn’t mean
that it has to be boring! |
to our New Members
Milad Bahrami Aida Boumaza Annie Dignard Nastaran Enshaei Ismael Goncalves De Carvalho Francis Kom JULY 2019 Ronald Vincent Lepore J. Jeffrey Plant Faraaz Ahmed Khan Rasheed Khan Jose Pisani Gilles T. Tchappi AUGUST 2019 Nathalie Lepage Sophie St. Onge |
ASQ Montreal Section thanks our Organization Members: |
13. ASQ NewsWomen In Quality
Montreal Section Education Program 2019
Dr. David
Ph.D., ASQ CQE and SSBB, Education & Audit Chair Having ASQ certification gives you an edge in the market and can significantly increase your income. ASQ Certification often leads to higher paying employment. The money invested in education and certification increases chances of finding employment quickly in the down sizing environment we live in. People who take the section sponsored refresher courses, and spend at least twice as much time as spent in the classroom on self study, have an 80%, or better, chance of passing the examination on the first attempt. Certified Quality Engineer Topics include: quality concepts, cost of quality, human resources, team formation and group dynamics, inspection, metrology, sampling, reliability, quality standards, quality audit, statistics, design of experiments, process improvement, liability, and modern management methods for improving quality. Certified Six Sigma Black Belt Topics include: quality concepts, cost of quality, enterprise wide deployment, business process management, project management, team formation and group dynamics, define, measure, analyze, improve, control, lean enterprise, statistics, design of experiments, and design for six sigma. Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Topics include: quality concepts, cost of quality, enterprise wide deployment, business process management, project management, team formation and group dynamics, define, measure, analyze, improve, control, and statistics. Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence Topics include: quality concepts, quality planning, customer focus, quality standards, project management, cost of quality, team formation and group dynamics, human resources and improvement.
Quality Auditor Topics
include: quality concepts,
formation and group dynamics, management responsibility, audit
objectives, audit preparation, audit conduct, audit reporting,
sampling, and basic statistics.
Certified Quality Inspector Topics include: quality concepts, team formation and group dynamics, geometry, metrology, reading drawings, mechanical processes, statistical process control, inspection, and sampling. Calendar and Registration Form Questions? In house courses, etc.: Dr. David Tozer: (514) 694-2830,
Committee Meetings & Officers
Section Executive
(Leadership Team) Meetings are held at different locations, starting at
6 PM. The next regular meeting is tentatively scheduled for: October
2, 2019 Consult the List of Your Executive
2019 here
16. Unemployed Members DuesUnemployed ASQ members receive a discount on their membership dues based on consecutive years of membership.
Eligibility Criteria
NOTE: The following links require that you be logged into your account before you try to activate them. Download the ASQ Unemployment Program
PDF (105 KB) |
Please send us your comments about the ASQ Montreal Section 0401 E-Newsletter (topics, layout, length, etc.). Do you want to contribute an article (English or French) or a good idea? Contact us by e-mail. |
it on
We invite you to forward this Newsletter to friends and colleagues who may be interested. |
Section 0401 Newsletter is prepared by and published for its members. How to
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is being sent in the course of normal Montreal Section
to the e-mail address of record. We are not responsible for forwarded
e-mails. If you no longer wish to receive e-mail communications from
the Montreal Section (your section) of ASQ, please visit your ASQ
account to unsubscribe or
reply to this message, indicating Opt
Out in the
e-mail body
and in the title. |