0401 |
April 2020
(Volume 70 - Issue 4) |
Our objective: To increase awareness, interest, and involvement in section
activities and quality-related subjects. Visit our LinkedIn group at Visit
our myASQ web site |
16 - Feedback/Advertising Rates |
Date Wednesday, April 29, 2020 Time 6:00 PM Place ***ONLINE WEBINAR***
and join us online on April 29th, when our guest speaker Deborah Esplin
will deliver the topic of "Food Fraud" |
THE EVENT ABOUT THE SPEAKER Deborah Esplin is a food safety and quality contract auditor with SAI Global with sixteen years experience in food production and auditing. For thirteen years she worked in nut and granola processing, snack, fruit and trail mixes, dry ingredients, wheat-based and gluten-free bakery products, packing of drink mix, natural products and pharmaceutical powders and pills. For the last three years, Deborah has been a consultant and food safety and quality auditor, Deborah has carried out almost 200 audits in food manufacturing plants in North America. Food fraud detection and controls are an important element of many of the standards audited and Deborah has had the chance to review the plans of big and small manufacturers, as well as having several trainings on the subject with reputable training bodies. *****************************************
FREE for all particpants. NOTE: Given the current restrictions resulting from COVID-19, this event will be available via Webinar only. Attendees to this event will will receive 0.5 RUs. To register for this event, please send an e-mail confirming your presence to:
401 Events
is the webinar event we have planned for May
2020 (and it will be in French!):
May 27, 2020: Gestion des risques et mesures d'urgence dans le système de santé au Québec Comment
le réseau de la santé au Québec se
prépare aux périodes de crises et quels sont les
avantages de cette organisation en situation d'urgence? Nous voyons que
le Québec a répondu très efficacement
et avec beaucoup d'agilité à la
pandémie de Covid-19. D'autres provinces et d'autres pays se
sont rapidement retrouvés dans une situation plus critique
alors que la situation est restée relativement
contrôlée dans notre province. Quels sont les
mécanismes qui nous permettent cette résilience?
Qu'est-ce qu'on peut apprendre de ceux-ci et quels sont les
défis qui nous attendent après l'application de
ces mesures?
industrielle et diplômée d’une
Maîtrise en ingénierie des systèmes de
santé de Polytechnique Montréal, Julie
Savage-Fournier a plus de 15 ans
d’expérience dans
le réseau de la santé au Québec. Elle
a développé une vision globale de
l’organisation des soins de santé par ses
rôles de chargée de projet
d’amélioration de processus, de
conseillère stratégique et de gestionnaire. Ayant
participé à plusieurs changements - tant
technologiques que structurels - dans l’organisation des
soins et services, elle a acquis une fine connaissance des enjeux de
cet écosystème complexe.
4. Interview In The Editor's CornerBy Michael Bournazian, Eng., Newsletter Editor, ASQ Senior Member, CSSGB
If you read my Editor's Corner in the March 2020 Newsletter, you know that I was invited to a Pecha Kucha Night, hosted by Conestoga College in Kitchener-Waterloo-Guelph and sponsored by the ASQ Kitchener Section 405. I was invited by Ruth Stanley, who is the ASQ Regional Director for Canada and Greenland. After the event, I communicated with Noelle Baker who had helped organize and host the event. I asked her if she would be interested in being interviewed about the event for our Newsletter, and she readily agreed. Enjoy! **********************************************
Michael Bournazian: Noelle, thank you for agreeing to be interviewed for the ASQ 401 Montreal Newsletter. Noelle Baker: My pleasure. Thank you for your interest. Michael: Let’s start with some background on Conestoga College and its Process Quality Engineering program. What can you tell us? Noelle: Conestoga College is one of the fastest growing colleges in Ontario. We offer career-focused education programs - from apprenticeships to diplomas, degrees to post-graduate certificates, continuing education and part-time studies. Conestoga offers programs that reflect Ontario’s changing job market, and that aim to help students build the skills and knowledge that today’s employers are seeking. Process Quality Engineering is an advanced-level graduate certificate program in the School of Workforce Development, Continuing Education and Online Learning. The program provides students with the knowledge and techniques to improve the delivery and quality of products and services. The material that is taught in this program can be applied within any area of an organization. We therefore have students that come from various education and experience backgrounds. The focus of this program is on the achievement of performance excellence through the use of modern quality improvement methods. The program develops the skills required to perform process quality roles in a broad range of organizations and sectors. The program content aligns favourably with selected ASQ Bodies of Knowledge. Michael: When did you start teaching at Conestoga College and why Quality? Noelle: I started teaching at Conestoga in January 2015. About six months prior, I had left my position as the Engineering and Maintenance Manager at a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson so that I could spend more time with my family. Teaching part time was a great way for me to continue contributing to the engineering profession while achieving the work life balance I was looking for. I loved teaching so much that I accepted a full time teaching position in August 2018. Teaching quality seemed like a logical choice for me. Quality was ingrained into every role I had at Johnson and Johnson. I wanted to share the quality and process improvement training and experience I had received. I realized how much my students could benefit from bringing quality tools and techniques to their organizations. Michael: Do you find your student body is made up of people mainly from the Kitchener-Waterloo-Guelph area, or do you also have people who come from outside the region? Noelle: Actually, approximately 90% of our student body is comprised of international students from places such as India, Asia, South America, and Nigeria. It is really interesting to hear about their various experiences across the globe. Michael: OK, so now about your event! As I wrote in our March Newsletter, I was very pleased to be part of the online audience for your Pecha Kucha event that was held on February 27, 2020. How did this event come to be? Noelle: I was looking for a way for our students to partner and network with the local chapter of the ASQ. A manager in my school connected me with Ruth Stanley, the Regional ASQ Director (Canada). She provided us with some opportunities to inform the students about the ASQ and benefits of membership, and invited us to participate in some webinars. Subsequently, I met with Ruth and our local chair, Jen Taylor, and that was when the idea of a Pecha Kucha event was born. To be truthful, I had never heard of Pecha Kucha before. Michael: Was this treated as a volunteer activity that a student could participate in if they desired, or was it actually part of course content? Noelle: Pecha Kucha presentations were built into one of our Level 2 courses as an assessment tool for our students. The professors then chose the best presentation from across our three participating campuses to present at the Pecha Kucha night. The students that attended the event did so as volunteers. Michael: I noticed that the focus of the 6 presentations was on Quality Tools (Fishbone, 5Y, Control Charts). Care to elaborate? Noelle: We had received feedback from our graduates that they could have benefited from more opportunities to give presentations while in the program. We felt Pecha Kucha was an excellent way to really test their ability to speak about a topic without notes and the ability to just read the text on slides. Prior to doing Pecha Kuchas on Quality Tools, students were given the opportunity to practice the Pecha Kucha technique by doing a presentation about themselves. The results were fascinating. We wanted the students to present on a quality topic that they felt as comfortable and knowledgeable about to parallel their first Pecha Kucha experience, and Quality Tools seemed like a logical choice. Michael: I particularly liked the concept of the students presenting in groups of four. How did this come to be? Noelle: To be truthful, the reason was purely practical. Some of our classes have up to 35 students in them, and we wanted to be able to get through as many presentations as we could in our class time together. Michael: Let’s look at the actual presentation concept: what did your students like about delivering presentations in this format? Noelle: Students commented that they liked the ability to be creative, using photos to tell a story. Although students may not have said it out loud, I am sure they found it a lot easier to listen and sit through short, fast paced presentations versus longer more traditional presentations. Michael: And what didn’t they like, or perhaps find challenging? Noelle: The students found that the timing was challenging, particularly when working in groups. As professors, we really encouraged the students to rehearse together and that this was a great practice to use when doing any presentation. As an observer, I found some students struggled with the habit of looking at their slides and not the audience. I often see this when student’s give traditional presentations, as they want to read the slides or use the slides to prompt them with what to say next. Pecha Kucha is so great because it really meant that the students had to rely on their own knowledge and research when speaking. Michael: Did any of the students express reservations about public speaking? If yes, how did they feel once they had completed their presentations? Noelle: Many of those presenting at the event were nervous, but afterwards they were so glad that they pushed themselves outside their comfort zone. All of the students really enjoyed the event and were appreciative of those that joined in, both in person and online. Michael: Final question: any plans for future Pecha Kucha events? Noelle: Both the students and professors would love to have another Pecha Kucha event. I am hoping we can do this annually. Michael: Thank you for taking the time to participate in this interview. Noelle: Thank you for the opportunity, and thanks again Michael for attending our Pecha Kucha event online. The students really valued your feedback and mentoring. **********************************************
As you may have noticed above in our Upcoming Events section, our originally scheduled "Pecha Kucha Night" event in May has been replaced by a new webinar event. As a committee, we concluded that a Pecha Kucha event is best had in front of a live, in-person audience: this is something that cannot be accomplished with the current COVID-19 restrictions in place. Once the world "returns to normal", this event will be re-scheduled. **********************************************
Finally, I want to express my best wishes to all my fellow ASQ colleagues during this unprecedented time. Please stay safe when it comes to everything you do, and maintain the best QUALITY of life that you can. All the best and none of the worst to all of you. **********************************************
Any feedback? Click on the link in the bottom right corner of this section and let me know. Thanks. |
A Word
your Section Chair
By Eric Hosking, Senior Consultant to Shainin, CQE, CSSBB and CQA The month of March leading into April has been one of the most turbulent that I can remember. Having lived through prior pandemics and virus outbreaks has not prepared us here in Quebec for something on the scale of the COVID-19 outbreak. We heard about the impact of SARS in Toronto in 2003. We all lined up for vaccines against H1N1 in 2009. We saw the terrible effects of Ebola in West Africa and MERS in the Middle East, but all of that seemed tame and/or far away. Who could have imagined how quickly our society has been locked down and isolated in the last 4 or 5 weeks? Then we watch the daily reports from the Prime Minister and the Premier recounting grim statistics of rates of infection and the death toll. We pray for a flattening of the curve and an existing miracle drug to mitigate the illness, knowing that a vaccine is more than a year away and a cure unlikely for years. The hardship notwithstanding, many elements of society are adapting and forging forward. More than at any other time, my street has little groups of family members out strolling, known to be safe to each other, and respecting a 6-foot limit to other groups. On-line gaming is active like it never has been and the spring to-do lists are being attacked with a vengeance. Retailers that are allowed to stay open have invoked protocols to prevent the spread of the virus and we are getting used to the screening, handwashing, 6-foot distance in line-ups, etc. Other businesses are using technology to replace the personal contact elements of operating with work from home, webinars and other equivalents. ASQ Montreal is doing the same thing. We had no choice but to postpone our panel event planned for the 25th of March. Our US based panelist was restricted from travelling and we did not feel we could put together a panel event through a live/Webinar format fast enough. As we got closer to the event date, the severity of the lock downs was such that holding the event would have been impossible. Going forward, however, we will be using the Webinar format to continue our speaker series. It has implied juggling the event schedule as you will read here in the Newsletter, but we remain committed to providing events that reflect a broad spectrum of current topics of interest to Quality professionals. The dissolution of Section 404 is complete and, in keeping with our commitment to provide events in both French and English, our May event is to be in French. At the same time, our regional director for Canada Region has been organizing a series of lunchtime webinars, advertised across Canada, that are both in English and French. So far 6 more are planned through the 9th of June. We are continually upgrading our new website, the ASQ MyASQ site and I encourage you to have a look at it. Google MyASQ Montreal and follow the link: If you just go to MyASQ you can navigate through the main ASQ MyASQ site. Along the way you can expose yourself to other elements of the ASQ world, what services ASQ offers, what other sections are doing and resources you can find to aid your professional development. In closing, I want to be positive in the face of what is a tremendous struggle for some and tremendous adaptation for all. New opportunities to stretch and grow are being presented everyday as organizations are rolling out new protocols or new products on an expedited basis. For Quality professionals, it is a time to jump to the fore. All your quality knowledge and tools are needed in the face of this rapid innovation, to ensure customers get what they want and society gets what it needs safely. Speaking of safety, please look after yourselves. |
You Come
to the
Last Event
By Michael
Bournazian, Eng., Newsletter Editor, ASQ Senior Member, CSSGB
Had You Come . . . well, you couldn't As was
noted above by your Section Chair, our March panel event "Women In
Quality" did not transpire.
That said, we are committed to having this live, in-person event, as soon as these unique times return to normal times. Thank you for your understanding. |
7. Voice Of The
By Amine Djeffal, CQA, RAC, Quality and Regulatory Affairs Professional
Because the health and safety of our members is of utmost importance, we had to unfortunately postpone the last event. Since the COVID-19 outbreak is an emerging and rapidly evolving situation, ASQ Montreal 0401 section is continously evaluating decisions to reschedule upcoming events. Members will be notified directly through the section’s monthly newsletter. Stay tuned and informed. Give
me your feedback by e-mail
8. Student Outreach CommitteeBy Veronica
Marquez, M.Sc., CSSBB, ASQ Senior Member, Student Outreach Committee
everyone, the past few weeks have been rather strange, surreal, and
forces me to be in constant "adaptation mode".
Remote working was part of my work life since 2004 so that was rather
easy to upscale in my routine. While I get a lot of my energy through
meeting with people, this is perhaps the most difficult part for me,
changing all my meetings to web conferencing and waiving the meetings
networking. Contactez-moi
pour plus de détail:
to our New Members
Srisai Atluri Fred Cloutier Gwenaelle Delpirou Abdelhamid Elsherbiny Isabelle Gladu Nicolas Hudon Marie-Claude Magny Amitkumar Mulchandani Youssef Rafi |
ASQ Montreal Section thanks our Organization Members: |
12. ASQ News |
Montreal Section Education Program 2020
Dr. David
Ph.D., ASQ CQE and SSBB, Education & Audit Chair Having ASQ certification gives you an edge in the market and can significantly increase your income. ASQ Certification often leads to higher paying employment. The money invested in education and certification increases chances of finding employment quickly in the down sizing environment we live in. People who take the section sponsored refresher courses, and spend at least twice as much time as spent in the classroom on self study, have an 80%, or better, chance of passing the examination on the first attempt. Certified Quality Engineer Topics include: quality concepts, cost of quality, human resources, team formation and group dynamics, inspection, metrology, sampling, reliability, quality standards, quality audit, statistics, design of experiments, process improvement, liability, and modern management methods for improving quality. Certified Six Sigma Black Belt Topics include: quality concepts, cost of quality, enterprise wide deployment, business process management, project management, team formation and group dynamics, define, measure, analyze, improve, control, lean enterprise, statistics, design of experiments, and design for six sigma. Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Topics include: quality concepts, cost of quality, enterprise wide deployment, business process management, project management, team formation and group dynamics, define, measure, analyze, improve, control, and statistics. Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence Topics include: quality concepts, quality planning, customer focus, quality standards, project management, cost of quality, team formation and group dynamics, human resources and improvement.
Quality Auditor Topics
include: quality concepts,
formation and group dynamics, management responsibility, audit
objectives, audit preparation, audit conduct, audit reporting,
sampling, and basic statistics.
Certified Quality Inspector Topics include: quality concepts, team formation and group dynamics, geometry, metrology, reading drawings, mechanical processes, statistical process control, inspection, and sampling. Calendar and Registration Form Questions? In house courses, etc.: Dr. David Tozer: (514) 694-2830,
Committee Meetings & Officers
Section Executive
(Leadership Team) Meetings are held at different locations, starting at
6 PM. The next regular meeting is tentatively scheduled for: May 6, 2020 Consult the List of Your Executive
2020 here
15. Unemployed Members DuesUnemployed ASQ members receive a discount on their membership dues based on consecutive years of membership.
Eligibility Criteria
NOTE: The following links require that you be logged into your account before you try to activate them. Download the ASQ Unemployment Program
PDF (105 KB) |
Please send us your comments about the ASQ Montreal Section 0401 E-Newsletter (topics, layout, length, etc.). Do you want to contribute an article (English or French) or a good idea? Contact us by e-mail. |
it on
We invite you to forward this Newsletter to friends and colleagues who may be interested. |
Section 0401 Newsletter is prepared by and published for its members. How to
Opt Out. This
is being sent in the course of normal Montreal Section
to the e-mail address of record. We are not responsible for forwarded
e-mails. If you no longer wish to receive e-mail communications from
the Montreal Section (your section) of ASQ, please visit your ASQ
account to unsubscribe or
reply to this message, indicating Opt
Out in the
e-mail body
and in the title. |