Section |
June 2020
(Volume 70 - Issue 6) |
Our objective: To increase awareness, interest, and involvement in section
activities and quality-related subjects. Visit our LinkedIn group at Visit
our myASQ web site |
16 - Feedback/Advertising Rates |
Date Wednesday, June 17, 2020 Time 7:00 PM Place ***ONLINE WEBINAR***
and join us online on June 17th, for a virtual networking evening,
hosted by Chantale Simard and Raymond Dyer. |
PROPOS DE L'ÉVÉNEMENT *****************************************
FREE for all particpants. NOTE: Given the current restrictions resulting from COVID-19, this event will also be available via Webinar only. Attendees to this event will will receive 0.5 RUs. To register for this event, please send an e-mail confirming your presence to:
will be back in September 2020 with new events for you. Here is what we
currently have planned:
September 30, 2020 ISO 31000 Risk Management with Jim Moran of Simplify ISO and BSI. October 28, 2020 Annual General Assembly + Coaching Lean Six Sigma teams with Diego Lythgoe of Shell. November 25, 2020 Sujet relie à la qualité chez Héma-Québec avec Isabelle Morin of Héma-Québec. Also, if you have any ideas for a Quality topic that you would like to see covered during one of these webinars, do not hesitate to contact any on the Leadership Team. 4. The Editor's CornerBy Michael Bournazian, Eng., Newsletter Editor, ASQ Senior Member, CSSGB
As is customary for me in the June newsletter, I would like to thank you, the reader, for taking the time to read this newsletter that I have had the pleasure of putting together for over 10 years. This one is the 91st one that I have assembled, edited, written in, stressed over . . . etc. I do hope that the effort shows and that you get something positive out of it everytime you read it. I, as well as the entire ASQ Executive Committee, are fully aware that this year has been like no other. With all the additional stresses and changes we have been adapting to, I would not blame anyone for not being able to give the ASQ as much attention as they would normally give. Rest assured that we understand and that we will continue to be here to promote the Quality profession for you, to the best of our abilities. As well, I wish you a safe, happy and QUALITY summer season. After the completion of the June 17th event, we will be back in September 2020. All the best and none of the worst. **********************************************
Any feedback? Click on the link in the bottom right corner of this section and let me know. Thanks. |
A Word
your Section Chair
By Eric Hosking, Senior Consultant to Shainin, ASQ CQE, CSSBB and CQA As I write, the Covid crisis curve is flattening in Quebec, across Canada, and around the world. Governments are figuring out how to restart those parts of social activity and the economy that have been severely constrained or shut down outright. Here in Quebec, it has had the curious effect of putting people back on the streets and in the schools, but for the first time since mid-March, I am now fighting traffic jams. I personally worry that people are becoming bold and not respecting the 2-meter distancing rules to the extent prescribed by government guidelines. So I wear my mask when I am out in public and urge you to do the same. Our policy for the time being is that we will continue to operate in virtual mode. Our recent event was a webinar again and for the foreseeable future, we will use this format. The event itself was a presentation by Julie Savage-Fournier, who lead us through the Gestion des risques et mesures d'urgence dans le système de santé au Québec. A very informative talk about the challenges of managing a Covid-type event, given the bureaucratic structure of the government that is not well suited to the task. We are very proud because it was our first event uniquely in French. I want to thank the team Ray, Jean-Pierre, Sam and Veronica who put the event together. It takes many hours of preparation and rehearsal to make sure these webinars operate the way we intend and it did. Amine will talk about the feedback from the event. Our next event, the last before our summer recess, will be a type of networking event covering multiple topics as we have done in the past, albeit this will be a virtual event. Ray is taking the lead. You can read about it in the next event section above. Hope to catch you there. Please note it is not on the last Wednesday of the month: it will take place on June 17th. A little further out unfortunately, events that we had intended to participate in are being cancelled, and some events that we had wanted to hold are postponed until we can safely gather together again. For the moment, the Canada wide conference hosted by the Toronto Section that was to be held in October, and that we have been supporting, is being re-planned as a virtual event. This may not be all a downside though: this may represent an opportunity to participate in a national conference from the comfort of your home or office. Please stay tuned. If you have any interest in being involved in the preparation of the local events or contributing in another way, we are issuing a call for potential Leadership Team members. Many of our two year mandates are terminating at the end of the year, and we welcome interest from individuals who want to contribute to the Montreal Quality community. You can communicate with our Nomination Chair, Sam Weissfelner. ASQ HQ just announced that they have re-opened their certification activity. The benefit is that it is now completely on-line and is available 24/7. This should make certification more attractive to those seeking certification. I would encourage members to look into this, noting that the yearly salary survey validates that industry pays ASQ certificiate holders a premium over those without ASQ certifications. If you wish to learn more about the certification process or preparatory classes, you can contact our Education Chair David Tozer. In closing, a happy note from the Leadership Team. Sabrina joined us in the fall and then went on maternity leave to have a baby in the middle of a pandemic. Pandemic notwithstanding, I am happy to report that mother and baby are fine, and we look forward to Sabrina's return in the coming months. |
You Connected
to the
Last Event
By Serge
Lebeuf, ASQ CQE, CQA, Senior Process Engineer with Soutex
May 27th, 2020, we had the opportunity to attend a virtual presentation
given by Julie Savage-Fournier about risk management and emergency
measures in the Quebec health system. Julie is an Industrial Engineer
with a Master’s degree in health systems engineering and a
Six Sigma Black Belt. She has over 15 years of experience in the Quebec
health system and is now a consultant offering strategic and management
The structure and emergency plans in place were in large part the product of previous epidemics, such as the influenza outbreaks. The cycle of risk management as applied to the health system includes: •Prevention •Preparation (plans and training) Then, once a situation such as a pandemic arises, the next steps are: •Intervention •Recovery (including a debriefing that brings lessons for the next round of prevention) Throughout this cycle, the level of oversight and surveillance is adapted to the situation. During the prevention phase, potential risks and vulnerabilities are assessed. Then, to manage those risks, several options are considered to reduce the probability of the hazard and/or reduce the vulnerability of the population. From there, scenarios are developed, and plans on how to cope with different events are agreed upon. Sometimes, the risk just has to be accepted. The speaker mentioned that the health system’s plans are public documents that can be used to develop response plans within your company. These plans can include various sections, from descriptions of early stages where people are informed on how to treat themselves, to worst-case scenarios involving what to do if, for example, the morgue overflows. The plans stress the importance of offering clear, valid and actionable information to prevent chaotic or misguided behaviours. Finally, emphasis is placed on maintaining the functionality of the health system for the entire duration of the pandemic through human resources, supplies and equipment, and information. All departments can be involved in reacting to a pandemic, but the Ministère de la Santé et des Services Sociaux is at the centre of the effort. The Ministère de l’Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l’Alimentation is the next most important government body because of the possibility that diseases may be transmissible between animals and humans. The structure at the higher levels is echoed in the regions and municipalities so that the way directives are applied can be adapted to each area. When the situation becomes serious enough, the Premier gets involved, and a top-down organization without a consultation process becomes the norm to ensure actions can be carried out faster. The speaker gave the example of how tents, hotels and commercial buildings were converted into clinics in the span of 48 hours. A comparison was drawn between the H1N1 and COVID-19 pandemics to explain why the current situation is worse: •There was a vaccine for H1N1, while the one for COVID-19 is still in development. •The H1N1 vaccine was administered on a massive scale to reduce the population’s overall vulnerability, while we are still waiting for a similar protective measure now. Differences in modes of transmission and in which parts of the population are most vulnerable explain how not all pandemics are created equal. The hand disinfection and mask distribution stations installed by hospitals during H1N1 are still in use and helped during this pandemic. In conclusion: •We learn from past events. •Each new event is unique and requires adaptation. •It’s better to have a plan. •Collaboration and flexibility are key. • Recovery and demobilization do not necessarily mean going back to the status quo. •We have to learn to live alongside a new risk. It was an interesting topic that offered a deeper view of the organization behind the public-facing political layer. The audience was polled several times during the presentation to quantify the audience's opinions and reactions, which added to their engagement. |
7. La Voix du Client
Par Amine Djeffal, ASQ CQA, RAC, Quality and Regulatory Affairs Professional Pour ce tout premier évènement virtuel en français offert par la section Montreal, les niveaux d’appréciation ont atteint 95% concernant les catégories Sujet, Approche et Présentateur. Ce qui témoigne de la pertinence du sujet traité. Concernant la qualité des échanges, le résultat obtenu était de 68%. Certains participants auraient souhaité échanger entre eux de vives voix afin de faire connaissance avant le début de la présentation. Malheureusement, ceci n’était pas prévu à l’agenda. Toutefois il y a des possibilités d’avoir ce type d’interaction entre les participants et l'hôte lors de futurs évènements. Nous y travaillons. Toujours selon les résultats du sondage, la majorité des répondants préfèrerait joindre ce type d’évènement de 19:00-21:00. Résultat prévisible puisque tous les participants étaient des professionnels travaillant à temps plein. En outre, ces derniers ont exprimé quelques intérêts quant aux sujets à traiter prochainement. Cela nous donne de bonnes idées concernant les sujets à débattre que ce soit à travers des présentations en ligne ou des soirées thématiques. Parmi les sujets proposés, on y trouve la gestion de risque, ISO 9001:2015 ainsi que les stratégies de gestion dans les CHSLD . . . évidemment tous reliés au sujet saillant qu’est la pandémie du Covid-19. Enfin, l’infolettre de la section Montreal demeure le meilleur moyen pour joindre le maximum de membres afin de les tenir informés des évènements à venir. Encore une fois, on tient à remercier toutes les personnes qui ont contribué, de près ou de loin, au déroulement et au succès de cet évènement. Restez connectés pour plus d’infos. À bientôt. Give
me your feedback by e-mail
8. Section Nomination Process - Call for Officer NominationsBy Sam
Weissfelner, ASQ Senior Member, ASQ CSQE, CQA, Nominating Chair,
Arrangements Chair, Program Committee Member Although
it may seem early, planning for the slate of next year’s
Leadership Team requires time. Four of the positions on the team are
elected officers, i.e. Section Chair, Section Vice-Chair, Section
Secretary, and Section Treasurer. Two of these positions will be
vacated in the next year, and other changes will certainly be made
between the rest of the Leadership Team members currently serving, as
well. |
to our New Members
Nihal Issari David Laffin Manubir Singh |
ASQ Montreal Section thanks our Organization Members: |
12. Wanted: Brain Juice . . . RevisitedThis is
a republishing of a piece written by Jean-Pierre Amiel (Senior Member
and ASQ CQA), with regards to volunteering for the ASQ Montreal
Leadership Team:
Brain Juice!!
I know, I know. You’ve just started a new job, reoriented your career path, have a family to raise and you’re very busy. No time to waste. The routine! How’s about a new kind of experience! Your ASQ Section offers great opportunities to meet others like you, to exchange on various topics and, especially, learn about what is going on in the quality field in your area and around the world. How would you do that? Well you could attend some of our events. We organize presentations, company tours, panel discussions and even networking events. Not enough? Why not tell us what you would like to see or even better, why not participate in making them happen. Your Montreal section has been around for 70 years (!!!), and it’s not because of our good looks (okay, it helps). But really, it’s because we have always had individuals, like yourself, who wanted to learn and to teach and brought their commitment and energy to fruition in our development. Learn: Because other members, like you, have been working in the quality field for years and they may have already found solutions or developed tools to your problems or situations, or they may know someone or something to handle it. You will learn to communicate with your peers, develop organizing skills, put into practice new tools, bring ideas, develop and defend them and maybe see them through development and fruition. Teach: That’s what you give to all of us. Your freshness, your ideas, experiences and your time. You offer us this opportunity to promote, enhance and continue our legacy. The wise ones say, you learn from teaching (true?). We don’t know everything, but we are sure open to learn. The Leadership Team offers various volunteering options. Ask yourself what activity is right for you: • What problems would you solve, what would you change, or what would be your personal contribution? • Do you have specific skills or talents that you would like to share with us? • Are you interested in acquiring a specific skill? • What are your personal goals? • Do you want to re-enter the job market? • Do you want to meet new people, make contacts or share experiences? There are many ways to get involved in the ASQ Montreal Section. Not ready to take on a commitment yet? Then take a couple of hours, come to an event (or attend a virtual webinar) and meet the members of the Leadership Team. The following elected positions of the Leadership Team (LT) guide and ensure the continued success of the Section: Section Chair; Vice Chair; Secretary and Treasurer. They require some time commitment during their mandate. The following other positions ensure the promotion and success of Section operations, planned activities and communications with members, non-members and other sections. These functions may be shared amongst LT members. Some require more time commitment than others (ex. Newsletter, Programs). • Membership Chair and Quality Management Program • Newsletter Editor • Programs and Arrangements Chairs • Voice of the Customer • Audit, Education, and Recertification Chairs • Social Media and Web Site Committee Chairs • Nominating Chair • Historian • Internet Liaison Now you’re interested? Send us a note today, our next meeting is soon. P.S.: For those members with certifications, you may claim 2.0 Recertification Units (RU) per year of service as Chair, Chair-Elect, Secretary or Treasurer and 1.5 RU per year/per committee member leader. If you perform ad hoc responsibilities, you may claim 0.2 RU per event/activity, for a total of 0.6 RU per year and 1.8 RUs MAX for ad hoc service. |
Montreal Section Education Program 2020
Dr. David
Ph.D., ASQ CQE and SSBB, Education & Audit Chair Having ASQ certification gives you an edge in the market and can significantly increase your income. ASQ Certification often leads to higher paying employment. The money invested in education and certification increases chances of finding employment quickly in the down sizing environment we live in. People who take the section sponsored refresher courses, and spend at least twice as much time as spent in the classroom on self study, have an 80%, or better, chance of passing the examination on the first attempt. Certified Quality Engineer Topics include: quality concepts, cost of quality, human resources, team formation and group dynamics, inspection, metrology, sampling, reliability, quality standards, quality audit, statistics, design of experiments, process improvement, liability, and modern management methods for improving quality. Certified Six Sigma Black Belt Topics include: quality concepts, cost of quality, enterprise wide deployment, business process management, project management, team formation and group dynamics, define, measure, analyze, improve, control, lean enterprise, statistics, design of experiments, and design for six sigma. Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Topics include: quality concepts, cost of quality, enterprise wide deployment, business process management, project management, team formation and group dynamics, define, measure, analyze, improve, control, and statistics. Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence Topics include: quality concepts, quality planning, customer focus, quality standards, project management, cost of quality, team formation and group dynamics, human resources and improvement.
Quality Auditor Topics
include: quality concepts,
formation and group dynamics, management responsibility, audit
objectives, audit preparation, audit conduct, audit reporting,
sampling, and basic statistics.
Certified Quality Inspector Topics include: quality concepts, team formation and group dynamics, geometry, metrology, reading drawings, mechanical processes, statistical process control, inspection, and sampling. Calendar and Registration Form Questions? In house courses, etc.: Dr. David Tozer: (514) 694-2830,
Committee Meetings & Officers
Section Executive
(Leadership Team) Meetings are held at different locations, starting at
6 PM. The next regular meeting is tentatively scheduled for: September 2, 2020 Consult the List of Your Executive
2020 here
15. Unemployed Members DuesUnemployed ASQ members receive a discount on their membership dues based on consecutive years of membership.
Eligibility Criteria
NOTE: The following links require that you be logged into your account before you try to activate them. Download the ASQ Unemployment Program
PDF (105 KB) |
Please send us your comments about the ASQ Montreal Section E-Newsletter (topics, layout, length, etc.). Do you want to contribute an article (English or French) or a good idea? Contact us by e-mail. |
it on
We invite you to forward this Newsletter to friends and colleagues who may be interested. |
Section Newsletter is prepared by and published for its members. How to
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the Montreal Section (your section) of ASQ, please visit your ASQ
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