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Logo ASQ Montreal Section 0401

November 2007, Volume 57, Issue 7
Our objective: To increase awareness, interest, and involvement in Section activities and
quality-related subjects.
Next event Welcome to our new members Section Education Program 2007-2008
Ad / Publicité Sustaining Members
The Editor's Corner Had You Attended the Last Event Executive Committee Meetings & Officers 
A Word from your Section Chair Where are they now? ASQ Certification & Recertification
This season's planned events How to network?
Advertising Rates 

Next event

Change Management using a Caoching Process

DATE:     Wednesday, November 21, 2007

TIME:     6:00 PM
PLACE:     Hilton Hotel, Dorval (PET) Airport

Beverley Patwell of Patwell Consulting Inc.

COST:   Members $40  

Non-members $50
Includes supper and Parking!

Various elements go into managing change. One of these is the ability to coach the individuals, the groups, & the organizations involved with these changes.

Triple Impact Coaching is a cascading or layered approach of coaching from you, the coach, to your clients, and from your clients to the people they work with resulting in benefits for the individual, team, and organization.

The coaching process begins with understanding your own Use of Self as a coach and learning how to be more intentional with our choices to obtain the impact that you need and desire. It is simple, profound, and infinitely complex all at the same time.

Beverley Patwell will review some of the concepts behind her book "Triple Impact Coaching – Use-of-Self in the Coaching Process" and will also provide some actual examples of how organizations changed their business model, their customer focus, their HR structure, etc., using their approach.

See biography below.

Ad / Publicité


Bring your business cards and be ready to network!

For registrations or information please contact:
Mitchell Daudier at (450) 463-0990 or e-mail at mdaudier@thellen.ca
or Ray Dyer at (514) 818-7410 or e-mail at redyer@nortel.com

Beverley Patwell, M.A. – President of Patwell Consulting.

Beverley is an organizational development practitioner with over 20 years of experience in developing and implementing organizational development and change management solutions for private, public sector, and not for profit organizations. Beverley has a Masters Degree in Human Systems Intervention and accreditation as Human Resources Practitioner (CHRA). She is an associated coach with the Niagara Institute and member of National Training Laboratories Institute (NTL). Beverley is a guest lecturer at the McGill International Executive Institute, Desaultels Faculty of Management. She works internationally and lives in Montreal, Quebec.

The Editor's Corner

photo Chantale SimardBy Chantale Simard, ASQ CMQ/OE, Newsletter Editor

La voix des consommateurs

Il y a quelques instants, je suis sortie dehors pour voir le fameux Airbus A380 survoler Montréal à basse altitude avant de se poser à l’aéroport Montréal-Trudeau. J’étais très émue de le voir d’aussi près et de l’entendre à peine. L’utilisation de la technologie permet aux entreprises d’offrir des produits et services qu’on n’aurait jamais imaginé auparavant.

D’un autre côté, la technologie permet également aux consommateurs de faire connaître leurs opinions sur différents produits et services à travers le monde et ce instantanément. Je parle de l’Internet qui permet une divulgation d’informations et d’opinions plus rapidement et à un plus large auditoire que ce qui est possible avec les autres outils de communication. Il existe des forums et des blogues sur le Web qui touchent une industrie en général et d’autres qui sont spécifiques à une entreprise. Parfois on retrouve des commentaires positifs, mais souvent ce sont des plaintes qui circulent.

L’Internet est un outil incroyable où les consommateurs peuvent discuter entre eux, se regrouper et même entamer des actions comme le boycott ou les pétitions. Le Web donne un contrôle aux consommateurs comme ils n’en ont jamais eu.

Je lisais récemment un article de Charles-Albert Ramsay (11 octobre 2007) dans le journal Les Affaires qui portait sur ce sujet. L’auteur fait mention d’une nouvelle industrie qui a vu le jour à cause de ce phénomène de diffusion et de partage des commentaires des clients, sur le Web, à l’égard des entreprises. Il s’agit de la surveillance du Web. La surveillance se fait à l’aide de robots Web et d'internautes professionnels qui épluchent tout ce qui se dit au sujet de l’entreprise ou de ses produits. Cette surveillance jumelée au travail des agences de publicité et de relations publiques, permet à l’entreprise d’observer les commentaires et de tenter d’influencer ceux qui les émettent.  Voici une citation provenant de l’article de Charles-Albert Ramsay qui décrit bien le travail des spécialistes de la surveillance Web :

" Quand vous êtes à l'écoute sur Internet, la discussion prend place en temps réel, déclarait récemment Sue MacDonald, porte-parole d'Intelliseek. Très rapidement, parfois en quelques jours, nous sommes capables de savoir ce que les consommateurs disent de certains produits. S'il y a des enjeux qui touchent la sécurité ou impliquent un boycott, nous pouvons alerter l'entreprise, lui signifier d'être sur ses gardes et prête à réagir, si c'est ce qui doit être fait. "

Pour plusieurs entreprises, si ce n’est déjà fait, il faudra surveiller tout ce qui se dit à leur sujet sur le Web, pour être réellement à l’affût des opinions des consommateurs. Car, une organisation qui écoute activement les plaintes des clients concernant ses produits et services, sait comment s’améliorer et battre la compétition.

Give me your feedback by e-mail

A Word from your Section Chair

Photo Mitchell DaudierBy Mitchell Daudier, Section Chair

I would like to thank Sid Yousri, Senior Discipline Leader at Pratt & Whitney Canada, for his very informative presentation on “Human Factors” at our last event in October.

Our November event will be on “Change Management using a Coaching Process” with Beverley Patwell of Patwell Consulting Inc. I strongly believe in coaching (and mentoring) for it does bring perspective to one’s work. Having a coach helped me focus on my work in a more global and efficient way. It helped me benefit from someone else’s numerous years of experience. I am looking forward to seeing you for this event on November 21st.

It might be a little early but I want to let you know that we will have a second Networking event this season. It will be on January 23rd, 2008. It will be another facilitated discussion, this time around the theme of “Six Sigma Successes & Failures”. There will be more information posted on our website and in the January Newsletter as the event approaches.

December is rapidly approaching and holidays are around the corner. On behalf of the Section Leadership Team, I wish you a happy and restful holiday.

This season’s planned events

By Raymond E. Dyer, ASQ CMQ/OE & CQA, Program Chair

Date, time, and location will be confirmed as we progress into the year.  Most events are planned for Wednesday evenings and are held at the Dorval (PET) Airport Hilton Hotel.  Watch the newsletter and our web site for further details.




23 January 2008

Networking event - Six Sigma Successes & Failures

Ray Dyer, ASQ Montreal Section 0401 Program Chair to act as facilitator with Six Sigma Subject Matter Expert Reynald Regnus

20 February 2008

PFMEA – Process Failure Mode and Effects Analysis

François Pageau, Manager, Statistical Services and Chief Statistician of General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems – Canada

19 March 2008


To be confirmed.

16 April 2008

Annual General Assembly + Small accomplishments that benefit others vs. complex programs like six-sigma

Leadership Team for General Assembly

+ Fouad Fares of MINDSMASTER Canada Inc.

21 May 2008


To be confirmed.

The following events were planned for our 2007/2008 season but only 2 remain to be scheduled. Stay tuned!
• Supply Chain Quality: Controlling the supply chain across the world
• A practical application of Cost of Quality management
• The role of Quality in the implementation of Lean Manufacturing

Welcome to our new members

Louis Le Jeune Bell Bell, Bertrand Bosse, Ghassan Chemali, Christopher Cousin, Samir Djeffal,
Tanima Ghosh,
Chant Hajjar, Mutair Mohammed Kadiri, Andre A. Lapointe, Alain Lafortune,
Xiaofeng Li, 
Kim A. Olson, Piyushkumar Patel, Pascal Pontinha, Mustapha Sebaa  and Yuguang Wang

Sustaining Members

ASQ Montreal Section thanks our
Sustaining Members:

Bombardier Aerospace

L-3 Communications MAS (Canada) Inc

Promaintech Novaxa


Had You Attended the Last Event

By Eric Stern, ASQ CAQ, Publicity co-chair, ASQ CMQ/OE & CQA, Program Chair

Sid Yousri presented “Human Factors”, an approach to study of human capabilities and limitations in the workplace, including such attributes as human physiology, supervisory effects, psychology, work place design, environmental conditions and human-machine interface.

The approach is to some extent a response to the overload of instructions, procedures and regulations that are often by-passed leading to non-compliance.

The application in the airline industry has lead to a drop of 65% in the number of accidents. The analysis of the factors that have an impact, the risk reduction activities including the training and the management-supported structure required to make a difference were discussed. It was interesting to see how the investigation of the rationale behind the actions, beliefs, values, experience and traditions can get to the bottom of the systemic issues.

Come to our events if you do not want to miss out on information that may make a difference in your quality professional practice.

Eric Stern can be reached at:(514) 483-6264, ericst@iseffective.com, http://www.iseffective.com/

Where are they now?

By Jean-Pierre Amiel, ASQ CQA, Section Historian

I have come to the realization that I’m old.

At least, that’s what my younger brother said to me the other day while we were «chewing the fat». It’s funny because I was thinking the same thing, but more in a retrospective kind of way.

Come to think of it, I do have more aches here and there and, when I do certain things, I start a little slower. Overall though, I still think and live young -- After all, on TV commercials and programs and even at the supermarket, I can still hear the Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd, The Who, Chicago and The Beatles in the background. But it is also true that all around me, I see more and more children dressed as businessmen, reporters, doctors, policemen, firemen and lawyers (except for politicians, they always were)

Over the years, I have had the opportunity to work alongside many different quality professionals and have «lived» the major evolution from quality control, quality assurance, Z299, AQAP, ISO, etc. Back then, it was largely from conviction -- We were going to change things, make them better.

Today, even though the sacred quality flame continues to burn, it has taken on a different hue. We are still expected to influence, coach and guide; however, it is now for an ever-dwindling number of performers who are farther and farther away, as more and more companies leave brick and mortar to work in cyberspace or in Elbonia (1). I wonder now if we have changed, but I am not sure we have matured. Everything moves so fast, I don’t believe we give ourselves enough time to think through some of the changes. As we want everything now, something must be given up somewhere.

I may sound «old world» to you, but I am still awed by the articles about the ever-increasing pace of technology -- a telephone, the volume of half a deck of cards, with agendas, games, videos and over 10000 songs, who’d a thunk it back when Kirk spoke to Scotty? Mine only had a large dial and went tick-tick-tick? Today, how many people do you see picking up a pen to write something down -- Let me take a picture?

While the race to «perform» and become the largest in order to stay on top, continues, it will leave us with a simple question -- Where will you be in ten years? What will you have accomplished?

(1) Elbonia is a small mud-covered fourth-world country that both Dilbert and Dogbert have visited for various reasons, mainly low cost labour.

Send any news you may have on past and longstanding members (including yourself) via e-mail entitled «Where are they now?» to chantale.simard@videotron.ca

How to network?

By Eric Stern, ASQ CAQ, Publicity co-chair
, ASQ CMQ/OE & CQA, Program Chair

The feedback from participants to our events indicates that some are not totally satisfied with the opportunities for networking at our events. As organizers we think that the informal opportunities are available from the time of registration, during the dinner period and after the formal part of the presentation. An exchange of business cards is a first step. Human networking “experts” recommend that these be followed up by personal interactions, ideally by a meeting where 2 people get to know each other beyond their contact information and title and can establish common grounds for future cooperation.

If as a reader of this Newsletter you have additional constructive ideas on how networking could be enhanced please communicate them to us – they could be good contributions to our association and your colleagues.

Eric Stern can be reached at:(514) 483-6264, ericst@iseffective.com, http://www.iseffective.com/

ASQ Montreal Section Education Program 2007-2008

By David Tozer, Ph.D., ASQ CQE and SSBB, Education & Audit Chair

Having ASQ certification gives you an edge in the market and can significantly increase your income.

ASQ Certification often leads to higher paying employment. The money invested in education and certification increases chances of finding employment quickly in the down sizing environment we live in. People who take the section sponsored refresher courses, and spend at least twice as much time as spent in the classroom on self study, have an 80%, or better, chance of passing the examination on the first attempt.

Certified Quality Engineer Topics include: quality concepts, cost of quality, human resources, team formation and group dynamics, inspection, metrology, sampling, reliability, quality standards, quality audit, statistics, design of experiments, process improvement, liability, and modern management methods for improving quality.

Certified Six Sigma Black Belt Topics include: quality concepts, cost of quality, enterprise wide deployment, business process management, project management, team formation and group dynamics, define, measure, analyze, improve, control, lean enterprise, statistics, design of experiments, and design for six sigma.

Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Topics include: quality concepts, cost of quality, enterprise wide deployment, business process management, project management, team formation and group dynamics, define, measure, analyze, improve, control, and statistics.

Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence Topics include: quality concepts, quality planning, customer focus, quality standards, project management, cost of quality, team formation and group dynamics, human resources and improvement.

Certified Quality Auditor Topics include: quality concepts, team formation and group dynamics, management responsibility, audit objectives, audit preparation, audit conduct, audit reporting, sampling, and basic statistics.

Certified Quality Inspector Topics include: quality concepts, team formation and group dynamics, geometry, metrology, reading drawings, mechanical processes, statistical process control, inspection, and sampling.

Calendar and Registration Form

Questions? In house courses, etc.: David Tozer:  (514) 694-2830, mailto:davidtozer@qualitiqua.com

Executive Committee Meetings

Section Executive Committee (Leadership Team) Meetings are held at different locations, starting at 6 PM. The next regular meetings are tentatively scheduled for :
2008-02-06, 2008-03-05, 2008-04-02, 2008-05-07 and 2008-06-04.

Consult the List of Your Executive for 2007-2008 here

Note that all dates planned are subject to change. Please call ahead to attend by contacting the Section Chair or the Section Secretary.

Note: Available on request for section members only are minutes of section executive meetings (contact the Secretary) and section operating budget information (contact the Treasurer).

ASQ Certification & Recertification

ASQ Certifications




March 1, 2008

January 11, 2008


June 7, 2008

April 4, 2008

Please note: Exam dates may be revised by ASQ at any time.  For the latest dates, please contact ASQ at 1-800-248-1946.
For members interested in preparing their journals for recertification, please contact Norman Dickinson, Recertification Chair, at telephone: (514) 334-6102 or e-mail: n.dickinson@alumni.concordia.ca .

Come and visit us at http://www.asqmontreal.qc.ca


Please send us your comments about the ASQ Montreal Section 0401 E-Newsletter (topics, layout, length, etc.).  Do you want to contribute an article (English or French) or a good idea ?
Contact us by

Advertising Rates 

Ad  ASQ Member Non-member
First Ad $200 $240
Regular size $135 $165
Small size $100 $125

10% discount  for 2 to 7 issues; 
25% discount for 8 issues (full year)

Contact Chantale Simard for more information

Pass it on

We invite you to forward this Newsletter to friends and colleagues who may be interested.
The ASQ Montreal Section 0401 Newsletter is prepared by and published for its members.
Section postal address: 1728 Kirouac, Longueuil, Québec, J4G-2R4.
Section web site: www.asqmontreal.qc.ca
Newsletter Editor: Chantale Simard 514 941-5695
The opinions expressed in the Newsletter are those of the authors, not those of ASQ. Articles may be reproduced if the source is stated
If you do not wish to receive this Newsletter in this manner  please go to www.asq.org and revise your profile to cancel mailings from your section. As we use ASQ's mambership database for our Newsletter we are not able to remove you from the mailing list until you advise ASQ. However in doing this you will also be removing yourself from all mailings from your section including event advisories.